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Federal Election

Political Parties Must Address Social Innovation

Ellie Cooper, Wednesday, 1st June 2016 -  Leaders in the social innovation field want politicians to focus on the sector’s potential in their federal election campaigns, and not limit innovation to just technology.

Federal Election

Call on Politicians to Adopt Women’s Health Charter

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 31st May 2016 -  Australia’s first women’s health charter has been launched by the Australian Women’s Health Network (AWHN) in a bid to influence all political parties in the lead up the 2016 federal election.

Federal Election

Charity Peak Body Sends Personalised Letters to Candidates

Ellie Cooper, Tuesday, 31st May 2016 -  The Community Council for Australia (CCA) has sent personalised letters to political candidates across the country asking eight questions on how they plan to support the charity and Not for Profit sector.

Federal Election

NFP Rates Political Parties’ Enviro Policies

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 31st May 2016 -  The Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) has delivered an election scorecard rating the major political parties’ environmental policies out of 100 points and has given the Liberal/National coalition a score of 11, Labor 53 and the Greens 77.

Renewable Energy is a Jobs Rich Industry

Wendy Williams, Monday, 30th May 2016 -  A Not for Profit organisation dedicated to growing the community energy sector in Australia has claimed renewable energy is a jobs rich industry.

Federal Election

Labor to Keep Coalition’s Aged Care Cuts

Ellie Cooper, Thursday, 26th May 2016 -  The federal Labor party has said it would not reverse the $1.2 billion aged care budget savings but has committed to a review of the way services are funded, which aged care organisations claim resembles little difference to the Coalition’s stance.

Election Analysis

Just the Tax, Ma’am

Sara Bice, Thursday, 26th May 2016 -  Election Analysis: Corporate tax structures and youth unemployment are rising election issues and are at the heart of the missions of many of Australia’s Not for Profit organisations, writes Sara Bice socio-political commentator from the Melbourne

Federal Election

Suicide Rates Across Federal Electorates Revealed

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 24th May 2016 -  A coalition of Not for Profit leaders in suicide and mental health has called for all major parties to spell out what they will do to address the rising toll of suicide after a report released details of growing suicide rates across 28 federal electo

Federal Election

Australia’s Not for Profit Sector Must Push the Election Agenda

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 24th May 2016 -  Australia’s Not for Profit sector must speak with a collective voice and push the election agenda if it is to have an impact in the federal election outcomes, according to socio- political experts in Pro Bono Australia’s latest podcast.

Federal Election

Charities Call on Political Parties to Halve Homelessness

Ellie Cooper, Tuesday, 24th May 2016 -  Leading providers of homelessness services in Australia have joined forces to call on all political parties to make reducing homelessness a priority in the federal election campaign.
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