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Happenings on the hill

View from Australian War Memorial, looking toward the Australian Parliament Building in the Far Distance, Canberra

I was in Canberra last week, and it was insane…

Neil Pharaoh, Monday, 14th February 2022 -  Last week, Neil Pharaoh was in Canberra for a number of work meetings and stumbled across the “Convoy to Canberra” protests, which made for an interesting few days in the national capital. This week, he asks what impact all this will have on the

Happenings on the hill

person putting an envelope into a ballot box in front of an Australian flag

Lies, damned lies and electoral polling…

Neil Pharaoh, Tuesday, 1st February 2022 -  With one of the first major opinion polls of the year showing a 56/44 two-party preferred in Labor’s favour, and a 11 per cent drop in satisfaction with the PM, what does this mean for you this election season, asks Neil Pharaoh.
people sitting around meeting table

Calls for civil society COVID Rapid Response Group

Luke Michael, Thursday, 13th January 2022 -  The group would be made up of ACOSS, unions, business peaks and public health experts


sign for a polling station

What’s going on with independent candidates and the federal election?

Contributor, Wednesday, 15th December 2021 -  With the 2022 election promising to be close – the Morrison government has just a one-seat majority – could high-profile independents be a crucial factor in key seats, asks Malcolm Mackerras.
External shot of parliament house in Canberra.

Labor defends decision to support political campaigners bill

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 2nd December 2021 -  Should Labor be elected, Dr Andrew Leigh confirms they would revisit the framework


line of tv cameras

A picture I can believe in

David Crosbie, Thursday, 18th November 2021 -  David Crosbie shares some important lessons for all charities about the importance of image and images. 

Into the rainbow

Bright rainbow flag fluttering against blue sky.

Change must happen at all levels: Why we need Rainbow Local Government

Nevena Spirovska, Tuesday, 9th November 2021 -  The success of Rainbow Local Government serves as an important reminder that minoritised communities can organise to have their issues prioritised at a local government level, writes Nevena Spirovska.

Happenings on the hill

Parliament House

What a week in politics…

Neil Pharaoh, Monday, 8th November 2021 -  An international bruising for Scotty from Marketing, Small Target affirmed from Albo, and The Greens and Palmer recycling old ambitions: the landscape for the next federal election is starting to be set, writes Neil Pharaoh.   


sign at climate protest saying climate action now

In whose interest is Morrison acting?

David Ritter, Wednesday, 3rd November 2021 -  By undermining global climate talks, the prime minister is acting in defiance of the will of the Australian people, argues David Ritter, CEO of Greenpeace Australia Pacific.

Happenings on the hill

White text on blue background voting sign on brickwork with arrow

What date is too late to prep for the federal election?

Neil Pharaoh, Monday, 25th October 2021 -  Neil Pharaoh gives a rundown of election basics and shares some of the key questions every for-purpose organisation needs to start thinking about in relation to the election.
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