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Disadvantaged Aussies Living on $17 a Day – Salvos Report

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 25th May 2016 -  A new Salvation Army report revealed “disturbing new statistics on the level of poverty in Australia”, showing that some disadvantaged Australians are living on just $17 a day.

Fear of Period Dramas

Wendy Williams, Wednesday, 25th May 2016 -  International development organisation WaterAid has produced a light-hearted short film using clips from popular “period” dramas to highlight the most awkward #perioddramas and raise awareness of issues faced by more than one billion women around

Four in Five Australians Would Welcome Refugees New Survey Shows

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 19th May 2016 -  Around four in five Australians agree that people should be able to take refuge in other countries to escape war or persecution, a new survey shows.

Mixed Results From Coca-Cola 10-Year CSR Report

Ellie Cooper, Wednesday, 18th May 2016 -  Coca-Cola Enterprises, boasting 300 million customers, has shown some advancement in its 10-year corporate responsibility and sustainability report but has significant room for improvement, according to Australian CSR expert Jill Riseley.

Govt Grows Social Impact Focus

Ellie Cooper, Wednesday, 18th May 2016 -  An investment expert claims a social impact report commissioned by the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, which found funding for an Indigenous program had almost tripled in value, could influence the way governments spend money in the future.

Women Drive Australia’s Growth in Giving

Ellie Cooper, Tuesday, 17th May 2016 -  Women give more of their income to charity than men, and a higher portion of women give compared to their male counterparts, according to the latest Australian Giving Snapshot.

Young Women Feel Unsafe in Public – NFP Report

Ellie Cooper, Thursday, 12th May 2016 -  One in three young women aged 15 to 19 agreed that “girls should not be out in public places after dark”, according to research from two Australian Not for Profits.

NFPs Launch Election Campaign for Childhood Learning

Ellie Cooper, Friday, 6th May 2016 -  Australia’s early learning participation rate is in the bottom third of OECD countries, according to a coalition of organisations who have joined forces in the lead up to the federal election.

Research to Shape Victoria’s Response to Family Violence

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 5th May 2016 -  Monash University is urging professionals, including those in the Not for Profit sector, to take part in new research to help shape the way Victoria responds to family violence.

Women’s Homelessness At Record Levels

Eisha Gupta , Tuesday, 3rd May 2016 -  The St Vincent de Paul Society NSW has urged all levels of government to address the affordable housing crisis after it found a majority of people accessing homelessness services were women.
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