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US Volunteering Up Amid Tough Economic Times

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 2nd February 2010 -  More Americans are volunteering despite the tough economic times according to US labour figures.

Volunteer Mentor Program Gets Financial Boost

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 2nd February 2010 -  Volunteer mentoring program, 'Golden Gurus', gets a $500,000 kickstart from Productive Ageing Package

Rudd Government Confirms Financial Support for Volunteering Australia

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 22nd December 2009 -  Rudd Government re-affirms its financial support for Volunteering Australia

Equal Opportunity Act To Extend to Victorian Volunteers

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 22nd December 2009 -  The proposed changes to the Victorian Equal Opportunity Act extends coverage to volunteers

Framework for Dealing with Spontaneous Volunteers

Staff Reporter, Monday, 21st December 2009 -  Red Cross Australia is developing a national framework for the use of spontaneous volunteers in emergencies

National Survey of Volunteering Issues

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 8th December 2009 -  Volunteering Australia releases its National Survey of Volunteering Issues

More Focus on Volunteering Urged of Productivity Commission

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 8th December 2009 -  Volunteering Victoria calls for greater recognition of volunteer groups by the Productivity Commission.

VCOSS Clearinghouse Funding Case Supported by Independent Evaluation

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 8th December 2009 -  VCOSS case for long term funding for its Training and Development Clearinghouse strengthened by the findings of independent evaluation.

Government to Develop National Volunteering Strategy

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 10th November 2009 -  The Rudd Government has begun discussions with the Third Sector and State and Territory Ministers to develop a National Volunteering Strategy.
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