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The Corporate Citizen Magazine

23 October 2000 at 12:10 pm
Staff Reporter
After three years of dissecting and analysing Corporate Citizenship at Deakin University in Victoria, Mark Glazebrook has produced something on the topic that he says doesn’t already exist: a specialist forum for discussion. Glazebrook has…

Staff Reporter | 23 October 2000 at 12:10 pm


The Corporate Citizen Magazine
23 October 2000 at 12:10 pm

After three years of dissecting and analysing Corporate Citizenship at Deakin University in Victoria, Mark Glazebrook has produced something on the topic that he says doesn’t already exist: a specialist forum for discussion.

Glazebrook has produced the first of what will be a quarterly magazine called The Corporate Citizen.

As editor he says that although there is a lot happening in the area of corporate citizenship, very few options have been available to anyone wanting to familiarise themselves or keep up to date with developments in this rapidly changing area.

Glazebrook says the magazine aims to fill this gap, not just by conveying news but also helping to create the type of change that many are seeking.

He says corporate citizenship is sometimes wrongly thought to be about a new technique or management approach rather than a way of developing new connections between people, events and more importantly, those interested in harnessing the power of ‘corporation’ for good.

Glazebrook is calling for contributions from business, government and community sectors to debate the issues whether they are complimentary, or the not so complimentary, in a regular feature called ‘questioning corporate citizenship’.

He says it is important to become part of the debate, challenge what we publish and share your experience of corporate citizenship with others.

For subscriptions and more information, Mark Glazebrook can be contacted via e-mail at or by phone on 03 9244 3935.

Tags : Corporate,


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