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US & Australian Internet Giving Survey

15 May 2003 at 1:05 pm
Staff Reporter
In an Australian first, Pro Bono Australia has partnered with the USA's Internet Philanthropy organisation, e-Philanthropy Foundation to carry out an international survey of Internet fundraising.

Staff Reporter | 15 May 2003 at 1:05 pm


US & Australian Internet Giving Survey
15 May 2003 at 1:05 pm

In an Australian first, Pro Bono Australia has partnered with the USA’s Internet Philanthropy organisation, e-Philanthropy Foundation to carry out an international survey of Internet fundraising.

The ePhilanthropy Foundation and Pro Bono Australia are undertaking the research and collecting the data through an Internet questionnaire.

The e-Philanthropy Foundation was set up in 2000 and has provided online and offline educational services to more than 3000 individuals representing over 1200 organisations located throughout North America, Australia, UK and South Africa.

Based in Washington DC it was founded by a coalition of Not for Profit and For Profit organisations dedicated to its mission of fostering the ethical use of the Internet for philanthropic purposes.

In this groundbreaking Internet survey, Not for Profit professionals around the USA and Australia, large and small are being asked to share their successes and their failures in the area of ePhilanthropy.

The survey seeks to measure Internet-based fund raising and asks Not for Profit professionals to go on-line to answer 19 questions relating to their use of the Internet in raising funds between 2001 –2002.

It also asks about attracting new donors, and building and strengthening relationships with current donors.

Pro Bono Australia founder, Karen Mahlab says the uptake of Internet fundraising was slower than first expected but now anecdotal evidence suggests it is becoming mainstream.

She says this unique survey will quantify the online usage and also provide a useful comparison between the US and Australia.

The definitions being used for the purpose of the survey are summarised as follows:

Online donations: Gifts given to Not for Profit organisations online. An online
donation is made via a web site by a donor using a credit card or making a
pledge or gift intention that was fulfilled.

Gifts made due to Internet use in fundraising and communications:
These are gifts made by donors returning payment with a form downloaded
from the web, responding via the mail or a faxed reply to an e-mail solicitation, making a gift after initiating contact with the organisation
via the Web, or otherwise attributable to web based communications.

The survey is expected to about 5 minutes and all participants will receive an electronic version of the Executive Summary of the survey findings. However information about survey participants will not be shared with anyone outside the Foundation, and the research team.

Please encourage your community partner to take part in this unique survey. Just click on the link below and follow the prompts.

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