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Australian Legal Text Books in Demand

18 September 2003 at 1:09 pm
Staff Reporter
An Australian organisation is looking to local lawyers for help with a new project to help Burmese lawyers in Thailand.

Staff Reporter | 18 September 2003 at 1:09 pm


Australian Legal Text Books in Demand
18 September 2003 at 1:09 pm

An Australian organisation that donates hard copies of legal books, and other legal materials to institutions in developing and transitional democracies is looking to local lawyers for help with a new project to help Burmese lawyers in Thailand.

Australian Legal Resources International (ALRI) is an Australian Not for Profit, non-government corporation dedicated to the promotion of democracy, human rights and justice in the world’s developing countries and those seeking to build democracies.

Project Manager Helen Burrows says ALRI’s flagship project is to provide legal texts and materials to those who don’t have access to the books or where the cost of the texts is too high.

Burrows says ALRI works with amounts that fill a warehouse not just a book case and their most recent request has come from Burmese lawyers in Thailand and ALRI is looking for a considerable number of texts to be donated by the legal community in Australia.

Last year 8 pallets of used legal texts were donated to the Institute of Justice and Applied Legal Studies, at the University of the South Pacific in Fiji.

The books were shared out amongst various legal departments as well as the University’s Legal section.

ALRI works within the legal sector of any country to which it is invited and has provided capacity building and institutional strengthening programs to 19 countries since its inception a decade ago.

To date, ALRI has shipped books, journals, and other legal materials to institutions in countries including:
– Fiji
– The Maldives
– Bangladesh
– East Timor
– Indonesia
– The Gambia
– Kenya
– Malawi
– South Africa
– Zimbabwe
– Burma
– Cambodia
– Vietnam
– Barbados
– Dominica
– St Lucia
– Baluchistan
– Bosnia
– Palestinian Territories
– Papua New Guinea
– Israel

ALRI welcomes donations of legal resources, including books, journals, CD-ROMs, and videos, from publishers, institutions and individuals.

All offers are considered in light of the special needs of ALRI’s beneficiary organisations abroad and not all donation offers are accepted.

For more information on making a donation to ALRI, contact or
phone 61 2 9368 2904

Tags : Assistance,


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