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Australian Product Challenges Offshore Market

20 January 2004 at 12:01 pm
Staff Reporter
Australian insurance giant Suncorp/GIO says it has a competitive, 100% Australian, public liability insurance product aimed specifically at the Not for Profit Sector.

Staff Reporter | 20 January 2004 at 12:01 pm


Australian Product Challenges Offshore Market
20 January 2004 at 12:01 pm

Public Liability Insurance

Australian insurance giant Suncorp/GIO says it has a competitive, 100% Australian, public liability insurance product aimed specifically at the Not for Profit Sector.

Chris Cox from Suncorp/GIO’s Commercial Insurance office in Brisbane says many organisations have expressed unease at the trend towards obtaining affordable liability cover offshore.

Chris Cox says his NFP Liability Insurance product is very competitive with the overseas alternatives, and is 100% Australian.

Also in its favour he says is that it offers organisations a facility to pay by the month by way of direct debit from a nominated bank account or credit card to help with cash flows.

He says each policy is individually underwritten to ensure that the appropriate
cover is given, allowing Not for Profits the ability to self manage their activities and risk levels based on their previous claim record.

Suncorp/GIO does not charge brokers fees or interest just a $2.75 administration fee for monthly deductions.

If you would like to know more about the Suncorp/GIO NFP Liability Insurance product contact Chris Cox on 07 3362 4627 or 0408 004 396.

Tags : Insurance,


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