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TechSoup Free Downloads for NFPs

7 February 2005 at 12:02 pm
Staff Reporter
Like most busy Not for Profit professionals, you might find searching for free software on the Internet and identifying programs that will meet your needs can be a difficult process. A US website can help...

Staff Reporter | 7 February 2005 at 12:02 pm


TechSoup Free Downloads for NFPs
7 February 2005 at 12:02 pm

Like most busy Not for Profit professionals, you might find searching for free software on the Internet and identifying programs that will meet your needs can be a difficult process., based in the US, has a new Free Downloads section that can help.

TechSoup says you won’t find a comprehensive list of every free program in existence. What you will find is a short list of excellent applications that will meet most Not for Profits needs for end-user software – not just 30-day trial downloads with crippled features.

CompuMentor Technology Consultants and TechSoup Online Community staff have selected a group of relevant and useful downloads.

The Web Applications area for example offers tools to read, edit, design, develop, and publish web pages and other online media.

Late last year TechSoup launched the new-and-improved Free Downloads section starting with the programs that they thought ‘accidental techies’ would use. Now they have added advanced programs for those who proudly self-identify as geeks and power users.

A staff favourite is eCleaner which “cleans” unformatted text from e-mail and the Web by stripping out HTML tags, “>>” characters, hard returns, and other annoying formatting.

Another is Gallery – a Web-based photo album written using PHP. With Gallery, you can create and maintain photo albums via an intuitive interface. Photo-management features include automatic thumbnail creation, image resizing, rotation, ordering, captions, searching, and more. And albums can have specific permissions for each individual user, so some could add photos while others can only view it.

Other topics include Databases, E-mail and Communications, File Compression, Network Administration, Office Applications, Operating Systems, and Security and Privacy

TechSoup also offers many tips, an instruction page and advice on downloading software.

Before you download and install software, ask yourself the following questions: Do I need this application? Do I have enough space on my hard drive? Is it compatible with my existing operating system? How long will it take to download?

Check out the TechSoup free download section at

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