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Consultation Begins on Homelessness 'Green Paper'

16 June 2008 at 11:50 am
Staff Reporter
Consultation has begun with the Not for Profit sector on the Rudd Government's Green Paper on Homelessness - Which Way Home? A New Approach to Homelessness.

Staff Reporter | 16 June 2008 at 11:50 am


Consultation Begins on Homelessness 'Green Paper'
16 June 2008 at 11:50 am

Consultation has begun with the Not for Profit sector on the Rudd Government’s Green Paper on Homelessness – Which Way Home? A New Approach to Homelessness.

The paper was produced by a steering group led by Tony Nicholson, the Executive Director of the Brotherhood of St Laurence.

The Green Paper concludes that there are excellent programs across the country which reduce homelessness but they are not of sufficient size or scale to make the impact required to reduce the problem we confront.

The Green Paper acknowledges that while improved housing outcomes must underpin Australia’s response to homelessness, housing alone is not sufficient to the achievement of long term improvements.

The Green Paper also advocates a greater focus on prevention and early intervention.

On releasing the Green Paper the Federal Government says reducing homelessness is a shared responsibility that requires a national commitment and strong leadership from all levels of government and from the Not for Profit and business sectors.

The public consultation process, including public forums and a request for written submissions will take place during June 2008.

The Government wants to know what the broader Australian community thinks – including people who are homeless or have experienced homelessness, service providers, business and individuals.

Consultation sessions will be held in 12 locations across Australia.

Consultations will also be held in Karratha, Townsville, Darwin/Palmerston, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Lismore, Hobart and Adelaide.

Feedback on the Green Paper will be used to inform the White Paper, which will include a comprehensive national action plan to reduce homelessness in the lead up to 2020.

The Green Paper and information about the consultation process are available at or by calling 1800 774 055.

The closing date for receiving submissions is now 27 June 2008.

You can put forward your views online on the FaHCSIA website.

You can post a submission to :
Homelessness Green Paper Submissions,
PO Box 7442, CANBERRA, BC ACT, 2610

To participate in public consultation sessions and for information about locations, timing and venues, go to

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