Disaster Recovery Kit for Small Business

15 January 2010 at 11:25 am
CPA Australia has launched a Disaster Recovery Toolkit that not only includes tips for businesses looking to develop a disasterrecovery plan to lessen the blow of such misfortune, but also guidance for businesses that have been affected by a natural disaster.
The CPA toolkit was developed in response to the devastating Victorian bushfires almost a year ago, on 7 February 2009.
CPA Australia worked closely with the Victorian Bushfire Reconstruction and Recovery Authority, the Rural Financial Counselling Service and local councils in affected shires to promote the availability of the disaster recovery toolkit as an effective tool for affectedbusinesses.
CPA Australia’s CEO Alex Malley says the recent flooding and fires across regional Australia are a reminder of the harsh conditions that can impact individuals and businesses in this country.
Malley says small businesses that have been recently affected by a natural disaster would be in the process of making decisions about their future and the toolkit can help businesses to get through the difficult recovery period and start rebuilding.
He says businesses operating in disaster prone areas can also use the kit to develop a disaster recovery plan that is specific to their business needs.
Simple tips such as backing up files and keeping those files offsite are ways a business can ensure they are better placed to recover following a disaster.
Developing a disaster recovery plan should include:
- a checklist of what the business needs to re-open, including processes and resources
- clearly defined roles and responsibilities for taking action for recovery
- ready access to cash flow forecasts and profit and loss forecasts
- tools for re-analysing the market in a post-disaster environment
- built-in flexibility that acknowledges a disaster can impact any market in a number of ways – this may include being prepared to consider exiting the business
The toolkit can be downloaded at www.cpaaustralia.com.au