Quinlan Takes on Mental Health Issues

28 April 2011 at 11:17 am
Prominent catholic commentator, Frank Quinlan has been appointed as the new CEO of the Mental Health Council of Australia (MHCA), the peak NGO representing the mental health sector in Australia.
Frank Quinlan was formerly the Executive Director of Catholic Social Services Australia and a regular contributor to the daily online publication Eureka Street, owned by the Australian Jesuits.
He has also held senior positions with the Australian Medical Association, the General Practice Computing Group, Alcohol and Other Drugs Council of Australia and the Australian Drug Foundation.
Quinlan has also been a Youth Worker.
MHCA Board Chair, Rob Knowles says Quinlan has an outstanding record of advancing, advocating and promoting areas of social service and policy.
Knowles says at a time when mental health is at the forefront of policy and political debate, Qunilan’s acumen and ability to work with stakeholders and mental health consumers and carers will be a major asset to the MHCA and the mental health sector.
Quinlan says he has spent his working life trying to advance the common good.
He says the Mental Health Council of Australia has played a pivotal role in advocating for better mental health services for all Australians, and he hopes to make a valuable contribution to the organisation’s continued pursuit of better public policies and programs.
He says he has made the move because mental health issues touch so many Australians who don’t have to go far into family and friend networks to be affected in some way by mental illness.
He says this makes it a particularly interesting and important challenge.
As well, Quinlan says his combined experience in the community sector and the clinical and medial sector gives him an added advantage.
Mental health was a high profile issue during last year’s Federal Election campaign when both the Coalition and Labor parties promised injections of funds predominantly targeted at youth mental health services.
Frank Quinlan says the MHCA enjoys a good relationship with both sides of politics.
However, he says the solutions will be found in a life cycle that is longer than a political cycle.
Quinlan does not intend to stop his public commentary on issues he sees as important.
He says people who have the opportunity to be part of the political process and community services have an obligation to reflect on ways of improving the system and its processes.
The Mental Health Council of Australia is the independent, national representative body of the mental health sector in Australia. Quinlan took up the new position on April 27th, 2011.
Link : http://www.mhca.org.au