Not for Profit Embraces Viral Video

10 May 2011 at 5:26 pm
A new YouTube video showing celebrity chef Matt Moran blowing a fuse over wasted food is apparently a clever creation from ‘food rescue’ Not for Profit organisation OzHarvest.
The YouTube video shows Moran explode in an obscenity laden tirade against a food stylist who begins throwing out the food Moran had prepared at the end of a film shoot.
Released on YouTube yesterday (09/05/2011), the video caused a stir with users arguing over its authenticity.
Digital media company Liquid Ideas confirmed to Sky News that the celebrity chef agreed to fake an explosive on-set tantrum to promote an anti-food wastage campaign.
The clever attempt at creating a viral video (a video that gains popularity and spreads rapidly online) was created for Not for Profit organisation OzHarvest to promote the upcoming 2011 Shout Lunch Fight Hunger initiative, to be held on May 20th.
Matt Moran is the co-owner of ARIA restaurant and 2011 ambassador for the 2011 Shout Lunch Fight Hunger campaign, set up by OzHarvest.
The video is a advertising triumph for the organisation, with Moran's tirade – and the anti-hunger campaign – being covered by Australia's major news outlets. Fairfax and News Limited websites, SBS and the ABC, Sky news and many other news services have all reported on the video and OzHarvest.
In the video, Moran sees a food stylist throwing a dish of chicken in the bin and takes him to task.
Moran says “I don't care if you're f—ing resetting, there's nothing wrong with that food; that's being wasteful. It could have fed one of these guys; it could have fed me. Get it out of the bin and put it back on the f—ing plate”, before storming off the set.
The Shout Lunch Fight Hunger campaign asks Australians to donate the amount of money they would spend on lunch to feed a disadvantaged Australian.
OzHarvest says every $1 allows them to deliver 1 meal to a disadvantaged person.
Launching the campaign in April, Moran said Australians should show off their Masterchef skills and impress their workmates by bringing in a plate, and at the same time raise money for OzHarvest.
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