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Changemakers - Brett de Hoedt

14 November 2011 at 8:49 am
Staff Reporter
Brett de Hoedt, founder of Hootville Communications – a PR and communications company for Australian Not for Profits, is profiled in Changemakers, a new column that examines inspiring people and their careers in the Not for Profit sector.

Staff Reporter | 14 November 2011 at 8:49 am


Changemakers - Brett de Hoedt
14 November 2011 at 8:49 am
Hootvile Communications founder Brett de Hoedt

Brett de Hoedt, founder of Hootville Communications – a PR and communications company for Australian Not for Profits, is profiled in Changemakers, a new column that examines inspiring people and their careers in the Not for Profit sector.

What is the best thing about working in the Not for Profit sector?
Every now and again you can help put an issue on the map. That sure beats using my skills to persuade people to buy more stuff.

I consider my greatest achievement to be…… 
Maintaining my rage several decades beyond my teens.

Favourite saying … ”That’s showbiz.” I use it hourly.

I’m always being asked …
“Your clients are nonprofits. Do they pay you anything?” Which goes to show civilians’ ignorance of the sector.

I’m very bad at …
Client management, staff management and admin. Outside that; I’ve got things sorted.

What are you reading/watching/listening to at the moment?
30 Rock season 1 and The Chief – the biography of original media magnate William Randolph Hearst.

If you could be or do anything else, what would it be?
A lounge singing, tennis pro, writing for satirical news website The Onion on the side. Honestly; is that too much to ask?

School taught me …
That I could get away with being a large version of myself; that many rules don’t really apply and that quality state education is fundamental to a better society.

What inspires you? Who inspires you?
I’m angered into action as much as inspired. I just have to switch on the radio news to find ‘inspiration’. I’m genuinely inspired by small spirited groups such as online democracy outfit OurSay, anti-puppy farm campaigners Oscar’s Law or food rescue group Fair Share. They have the mix of heart, head and guts. They punch far above their weight.

About Brett de Hoedt:

Hootville Communications, a PR and communications company for Australian Not for Profits was born in 1999 offering media training, PR, website / social media development, campaigning and conference MC services. Brett de Hoedt says he founded the enterprise with no business plan beyond straightforward world domination and the motto communications for good not evil – both the motto and the plan remain in tact today.

Before founding Hootville and declaring himself “Mayor” Brett de Hoedt worked as a print journalist, talk radio host and publicist with media organisations including Truth, New Idea, Channel 7, ABC-TV, radio 3AK, The Sunday Age, The Melbourne & Sydney Weeklies and ABC local radio Perth.

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