Deadline Approaches for Volunteer Video Competition

31 May 2012 at 9:55 am
There are just seven weeks left to enter into the National Volunteer Video Competition with Social Inclusion Minister Mark Butler heading to Youtube to encourage people to take part..
![]() MP Mark Butler on YouTube |
The Federal Government launched the online video competition to increase volunteering participation among young people in April.
Check out Minister Mark Butler’s video on volunteering.
The Government’s National Volunteering Strategy identified that the rate of youth volunteering is below the national average and needs to be better supported and encouraged.
The Volunteering Video Competition for Young People invites young Australians to create a video that will promote ways for young people to be involved in their community and capture the enjoyment, fun and social interaction that volunteering brings.
The competition deadline is 5pm AEST Sunday July 22 2012. You can follow the competition’s progress on Facebook and Twitter.
The theme for the competition is “Your Passion, Our Nation. Volunteer Now!”
Entrants to the competition will be divided into two age groups:
i. Category A – Aged 15 to under 18 years; and
ii. Category B – Aged 18 to under 25 years.
Entrants are required to submit a 30 to 60 second audiovisual advertisement to promote volunteering to young people.
Submissions received will be published online.
Pro Bono Australia is one th the Outreach Partners supporting this initiative.
Pro Bono Australia is an online hub for people who want to engage with and find out more about our community sector; which charities offer which services, what Australian businesses are doing within their communities, what volunteering opportunities there are, what Jobs are available and the latest news affecting the Not for Profit sector.
Our online News Service will follow the progress of the competition. Visit the Competition Website for more information.