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Applications Open for NFP Sydney Leadership Program

19 September 2012 at 9:24 am
Staff Reporter
Applications are now open for Not for Profit leaders to apply for scholarships to the leadership development program Sydney Leadership 2013.

Staff Reporter | 19 September 2012 at 9:24 am


Applications Open for NFP Sydney Leadership Program
19 September 2012 at 9:24 am

Applications are now open for Not for Profit leaders to apply for scholarships to the leadership development program Sydney Leadership 2013.

The leadership program for Not for Profits, being offered in conjunction with the Benevolent Society and Social Leadership Australia has a number of scholarships available.

Sydney Leadership Director, Terri Soller says the program provides an opportunity to address society's wicked problems from a new perspective, form new and valuable partnerships and further develop their capacity to exercise leadership.

“For those in the Not for Profit sector who have heard of this unique and transforming leadership program, and want to take part – the good news is that there are several scholarships on offer,” Soller said.

“This is a terrific opportunity to join a network of committed leaders from across the corporate, government and NGO sectors, interested in a better future and hopeful that they can make a difference.

“Sydney Leadership has been the learning ground for many NFP leaders, with recent participants coming from organisations like: GetUp!, Australian Youth Climate Coalition, Choice, The Asylum Seekers Centre of NSW, Australian Conservation Foundation, St George Community Housing.

Since 1999 the Sydney Leadership has brought together up to 30 leaders in a program that is conducted over eight months and combines the Harvard Adaptive Leadership model with direct learning in diverse, challenging community settings to build ‘real world’ leadership capabilities with a focus on creating positive social change.

Successful applicants for the 2013 program will join an alumni that includes over 500 leaders from across a range of organisations and industries including United Way Sydney, AMP, Telstra, Stockland, BHP, Johnson & Johnson, NRMA, The Smith Family, Family and Community Services and the Department of Immigration and Citizenship.

Simon Sheikh, Former National Director of GetUp! credits the skills he learned to the program: “You go to different programs and you expect around 10 per cent to stick but all of Sydney Leadership is part of my life in some way.”

“This is a terrific opportunity to join a network of committed leaders from across the corporate, government and NGO sectors, interested in a better future and hopeful that they can make a difference," Terri Soller said.

“The scholarships are funded by corporations and philanthropists to ensure participation from the NFP sector. They are designed to ensure the most diverse range of people possible can access this unique opportunity, meaning a better experience for all participants.”

Further information about the program and applications forms visit the Social Leadership
Australia website.

To find out more come to an Info Session this month:
?7.30 – 9.00am Wednesday 26 September
The Benevolent Society
Level 1, 188 Oxford Street

Places are limited. You can ?RSVP by ringing 02) 9339 8089 or by email:

Applications close on 15 October 2012. 

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One comment

  • Please note this program is not a not-for-profit leadership program but a cross-sectoral learning experience for leaders from business and government as much as for those from the not-for-profit sector.

    The scholarships are for not-for-profit leaders.


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