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Australians Asked to Choose eftpos $2 million Cause

17 September 2013 at 10:03 am
Staff Reporter
eftpos is calling on Australians to help choose which worthy causes should receive a share of up to $2 million that will be donated to charity in the eftpos Giveback program this Christmas.

Staff Reporter | 17 September 2013 at 10:03 am


Australians Asked to Choose eftpos $2 million Cause
17 September 2013 at 10:03 am

eftpos is calling on Australians to help choose which worthy causes should receive a share of up to $2 million that will be donated to charity in the eftpos Giveback program this Christmas.

eftpos Managing Director Bruce Mansfield said with so many worthy causes and a record number of charity submissions for the 2013 eftpos Giveback program, the organisation is seeking input from the community about where the money could be put to best use this year.

“The eftpos Giveback tradition is in its third year and we are looking to double the donation value up to $2 million,” Mansfield said.  “It is important that the community has a say about which causes they support.”

From today, Australians can vote for their favourite cause in an online poll that will close at 11.59pm on Saturday, October 12 and can be found at:

Australians can choose to support the eftpos Giveback donation being directed to any of the following causes:

·    Sick kids and their families

·    Disease prevention, management and medical research

·    Mental health, depression and suicide

·    People with disabilities

·    Disadvantaged kids, families and communities

·    Homeless people and poverty

·    Environment, flora and fauna

·    Animal and pet welfare

“Based on our research and the submissions we have received from about 140 Australian charities, these are some of the major issues in our society that would benefit from a significant donation,” Mansfield said.  

“We have already spoken to a number of these Australian charities but the community’s opinion will also be one of the key considerations in making our decision.”

Last year’s online poll showed overwhelming support for eftpos to direct the 2012 Giveback donation towards a charity that assisted people with disabilities.

Of the more than 40,000 Australians who voted in the poll, 30 per cent indicated their support for a charity that assisted people with disabilities.

In 2012, eftpos donated $1 million to Vision Australia to help fulfil the organisation’s long time ambition to build a new Seeing Eye Dog breeding and training centre in Melbourne.  In 2011, $1 million was donated to The Salvos for a number of community programs.

This year, eftpos Giveback will run in the lead-up to Christmas, during which time Australians will be asked to support Australian charities by pressing CHQ or SAV at the checkout.

About eftpos: eftpos is the most widely used debit card system in Australia, accounting for about 70 per cent of debit card transactions. More than six million eftpos transactions are made each day at more than 500,000 merchants, using 760,000 eftpos terminals.  For more information on eftpos, please visit:

Staff Reporter  |  Journalist  |  @ProBonoNews

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One comment

  • Dior de Souza says:

    Not enough fundraising is around for mental illnesses, let alone eating disorders. They are such lethal illnesses to battle and yet it is kept so hush-hush. Why is awareness and funds so limited to this need when 1 in approximately every 4 Australians sufferers from some form of a mental illness. And with eating disorders (anorexia) being the leading cause of death among all mental illnesses, there is not nearly enough support for us. I would also like to say, no one chooses to become anorexic or bulimic, and societies ignorance needs to be addressed. So many people still think eating disorders are a phase stupid young girls go through to for attention, because they are self-obsessed etc, but that is NOT true! You would never say to a gay individual that they're stupid and it's all in their head and they just need to get over it… so why do eating disordered individuals have to endure this stigma that they are pathetic?? Society needs to be pounded with information about what eating disorders are really about. They are NOT about body image and appearance vanity but about trauma in one's life which drives them to focus on something they can control in life. I can speak on behalf of almost 1000 sufferers that we don't just want to "look skinny and beautiful" (most of us don't even strive for that we just want to relieve our anxiety/depression/stress and unfortunately our only coping mechanism is losing weight) ..we are sick and cannot help what goes on in our head, yet society believes we should just 'snap out of it'… If there is any compassion, please PLEASE i beg you, in order to help treat and save lives who are blamed as victims, please give this money to THE BUTTERFLY FOUNDATION. I will be in tears to hear if they receive this charity. Please choose with your hearts.. and heads…


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