NFP Transparency Awards
14 October 2013 at 3:19 pm
Registration for 2013 Annual PwC Transparency Awards is now open to Not for Profits nationally.
The PwC Transparency Awards are designed to recognise and encourage improvement in the quality and transparency of reporting in the Not for Profit sector.
This is the seventh year the Awards will be conducted in Australia in collaboration with the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (ICAA) and the Centre for Social Impact.
These Awards give Not for Profit organisations an opportunity to demonstrate their commitment to transparent and quality reporting seriously.
Nominees for the 2013 Transparency Awards will be in the following categories:
Generate revenue >$30m (category 1, capped at 30 registrations);
Generate revenue >$5m but less than or equal to $30m (category 2, capped at 40 registrations).
The winner and runner-up in each category receive $20,000 and $10,000 respectively towards sending member(s) of their organisation on training and development or study tours.
To be a part of these Awards and receive individual feedback on how to improve your organisation’s reporting, register online here by 5pm, Friday, November 8.
For further information, contact Kirstyn Chan, or (03) 8603 3015.