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Call Out for LiFE Award Nominations

11 March 2014 at 9:10 am
Staff Reporter
Nominations are open for Suicide Prevention Australia’s LiFE Awards, which recognises excellence in suicide prevention.

Staff Reporter | 11 March 2014 at 9:10 am


Call Out for LiFE Award Nominations
11 March 2014 at 9:10 am

Nominations are open for Suicide Prevention Australia’s LiFE Awards, which recognises excellence in suicide prevention.

The awards, in its 11th year, are calling on nominations from around the country in the areas of business, industry, media, community, government, youth research and medicine, who have an interest in suicide prevention.

“In recognising excellence in suicide prevention through the LiFE Awards, SPA is raising awareness about the diversity of people, organisations and businesses that can actively contribute towards reducing the number of people who decide to take their own life each year,” Suicide Prevention Australia Chief Executive Officer Sue Murray said.

“It is the coming together of all these parts of a community demonstrating we can work as one team to bring innovative and effective solutions to this complex social problem.”

Last year’s winners included Business Winner, Not for Profit, community-based mental health support organisation OzHelp Foundation, and Community Engagement Winner, The Training Duo, which offers training and consulting services.

The 2014 LiFE Awards presentation will be held on Wednesday, July 23 at the National Suicide Prevention Conference at the Pan Pacific Perth.

Nominations close on Friday, April 4 at 5pm (AEST).

For more information visit the 2014 National Suicide Prevention Conference website or download the 2014 LiFE Awards Information Guide here.

LiFE Award Categories:

1. Business

The Business Award recognises a business or employer with a track record in promoting suicide prevention in their workplace or across the community.

2. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Award recognises a unique and creative health program, service partnership or individual that has encompassed the holistic and social view of health and suicide prevention, e.g. physical, emotional, cultural and spiritual well-being of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals and communities. The award recipient must be of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent.

3. Public Sector

The Public Sector Award recognises an individual, organisation or government entity that has taken a proactive role in advancing suicide prevention and promoting government commitment to the cause. This may include raising community awareness of suicide prevention, advocating for investment in suicide prevention, or creating a government program focused on suicide prevention.

4. Research

The Research Award recognises the contribution by an Australian researcher towards increasing knowledge around suicide and suicide prevention. The individual should have a track record of high quality research and be published in academic journals. The researcher should combine research with best practice and generate findings that drive improvements in suicide prevention practice.

5. Communication (Print, Non-Print, Social Media, Art)

The Communication Award (includes print, non-print, social media or art) recognises an individual or an organisation who creatively utilises different mediums or channels to communicate messages about suicide prevention. Consideration will be given to positive outcomes resulting from the work and effectiveness in influencing audiences. Adherence to Mindframe Guidelines for the medium/channel is essential.

6. Service Delivery

The Service Delivery Award recognises a professional or organisation responsible for providing quality services that have been evaluated and proven effective. The quality of service, innovation in delivery of service, and distinguishable results will be considered.

7. Community Engagement

The Community Engagement Award recognises an individual, organisation or employer responsible for fostering community participation in suicide prevention and increasing awareness in the community through thoughtful dissemination of information and empowering individuals to participate in local projects.

In addition, at the discretion of the Board of Suicide Prevention Australia an award for Leadership and Innovation may be presented. This award recognises an individual who has shown exceptional leadership and innovation towards making suicide prevention a higher national priority.

Staff Reporter  |  Journalist  |  @ProBonoNews


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