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Survey On Australian Giving Trends

1 April 2014 at 8:49 am
Staff Reporter
A new survey is hoping to provide important insights into the latest trends in philanthropy in Australia.

Staff Reporter | 1 April 2014 at 8:49 am


Survey On Australian Giving Trends
1 April 2014 at 8:49 am

A new survey is hoping to provide important insights into the latest trends in philanthropy in Australia.

Chenoweth Philanthropy, an independent philanthropic consulting firm, is undertaking research on giving trends to better understand how philanthropists in Australia are responding to donor trends and to what degree they are incorporating them into their own giving.

“Much is written about global trends in philanthropy, including strategic giving, scalability of programs, collaborative giving, impact investing and evaluation. There is increasing interest and effort around the question of what philanthropists are achieving, and how they might do it better,” Director Susan Chenoweth said.

“Yet there is little information available on how Australian philanthropists are responding to these global trends and to what extent are they adopting these “transformative trends?

“The results of this study will offer valuable insights into a wide range of giving practices and approaches, and allow other philanthropists to learn from practical examples.”

Participants are being sought from within Australia, and include individual philanthropists, members of philanthropic families and their key personnel who are engaged in philanthropy including private ancillary funds, charitable trusts or other private foundations.  

Participants will complete an online survey relating to their philanthropic practices. All responses to the survey will be kept completely confidential.

The final report from the findings, The Chenoweth Report: Giving Trends 2014, will be published later this year.

To take part click on this link to complete the survey by April 30, 2014:

To find out more about the research, or to receive a copy of the final report, email Susan Chenoweth at or phone 07 3278 3339.

Staff Reporter  |  Journalist  |  @ProBonoNews


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