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Government Chooses Transition to Work Organisations

22 February 2016 at 10:39 am
Staff Reporter
The Turnbull Government has revealed a further 19 organisations that will help young people and early school leavers become ready for work under the second round of the new Transition to Work program. Minister for…

Staff Reporter | 22 February 2016 at 10:39 am


Government Chooses Transition to Work Organisations
22 February 2016 at 10:39 am

The Turnbull Government has revealed a further 19 organisations that will help young people and early school leavers become ready for work under the second round of the new Transition to Work program.

Minister for Employment, Senator Michaelia Cash visited McDonald’s restaurant in Wanneroo in Perth to announce organisations that will commence delivering Transition to Work services from next month.

Senator Cash said it was important that young Australians who faced difficulties entering the workforce were provided with the assistance they required to ensure they were work-ready and able to obtain gainful employment.

“Young people are the future of our country and we need to ensure we have effective programmes in place so that those at risk of long-term welfare dependency can find and keep a job,” Senator Cash said.

“Evidence shows that the longer a young person remains unemployed after leaving school, the more likely it is that they will fall outside Australia’s workforce and risk becoming long-term unemployed.

“The best form of welfare is a job and the Coalition is committed to making sure those who are able to work have the necessary work-life skills required to enter the workforce.”

Transition to Work will provide young job seekers with one-on-one support from community-based organisations experienced in working with young people who face greater barriers to enter the workforce.

The government has committed $322 million over four years to the Transition to Work service.

Federal Member for Cowan, Luke Simpkins, welcomed the service and the support it would provide to young job seekers in the region.

“It is fantastic that young people in Cowan will now be able to access Transition to Work services through Stirling Skills Training,” Simpkins said.

“This organisation will provide tailored assistance with vocational skills development, purchase training, interview training and career advice as well as support to engage with other community services.”

Earlier this month the first 11 organisations to take part in the program were announced.

The latest organisations will deliver services in areas including Hobart, Adelaide, Perth, Kalgoorlie, Broome, Melbourne, Ballarat, the Gold Coast and Townsville.

A full list of the organisations chosen by the government to roll out the program can be found here.

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