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Three Free Risk Management Consultations Available for NFPs

17 May 2016 at 8:51 am
Staff Reporter
Giuntabell, which specialises in Not for Profit business consultancy, is offering three Australian Not for Profits the opportunity to take part in its Kickstart Your Risk Management Program for free.

Staff Reporter | 17 May 2016 at 8:51 am


Three Free Risk Management Consultations Available for NFPs
17 May 2016 at 8:51 am


Giuntabell, which specialises in Not for Profit business consultancy, is offering three Australian Not for Profits the opportunity to take part in its Kickstart Your Risk Management Program for free.

Giuntabell believes that ethical and caring people who help others should be successful in their pursuits. However, there can be many roadblocks that get in the way of achieving your objectives. Understanding what you can do to manage and overcome these barriers or risks is the key to making your Not for Profit organisation truly exceptional.

Why is risk management so important? A risk is anything that creates uncertainty in achieving or delays us from achieving our priorities. It is important always to think about risk in the context of your strategic objectives. If you think about risk management in this way it will give your organisation a great opportunity to use risk management as a tool to identify ways to reduce uncertainty and delays in achieving your goals.

A few years ago we assisted an organisation to develop and implement their risk management framework utilising our Kickstart Your Risk Management Program.

The organisation was in the primary health sector, and its objectives were to:

  • improve the health of its local community
  • improve working relationships with local stakeholders and services
  • diversify funding streams to become financially sustainable.

The key roadblock for the organisation was its reliance on federal government grants. This dependency on government funding resulted in the team focusing most of its energy on its principal funder and compliance matters, to the detriment of its relationships with local stakeholders and the many other opportunities for financing its good work.

The risk management process identified a need for the organisation to rethink its strategies to achieve its objectives. The team decided to invest in resources that focused on working collaboratively with local health agencies to develop health promotion programs and fund these programs through non-government funders such as private and public ancillary funds, philanthropic or commercial sponsorships.

The impact of the new strategy was immediate with the following outcomes:

  • a deeper and richer understanding of the services provided by each local agency
  • a tangible sense of working towards a common goal between the local agencies
  • the development of strong relationships and mutual trust at multiple levels between the local agencies
  • increased and diversified funding for the organisation
  • increased levels of coordinated health promotion activities
  • greater services and opportunities for the community.

Giuntabell developed the Kickstart Your Risk Management Program which will enable your team to manage these barriers and be successful. We will guide you and your team to determine your attitude to and tolerance of risk, identify the risks and obstacles to your organisation and how the risks, large or small, can be treated taking into account your organisations’ unique culture, financial strength, resources and skills.

The best thing is that we are making this leading edge program available for free to three deserving Not for Profit organisations in recognition of the valuable service and role they play in their community.

How to apply

To apply for this free offer you need to be quick, just complete and lodge this simple

Application form with us by COB, on 15 June 2016.

About Giuntabell: We believe ethical and caring people aiming to help others need to be successful. We make it our priority to understand what will make your Not for Profit organisation exceptional and provide you with financial, risk management and strategic support to achieve success.

For any information about the offer or how we can help your Not for Profit be successful contact Nunzio Giunta at or 0419 599 859.

Alternatively, visit us on

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