Podcast: Australia’s True Colours – Our Shared Culture

27 October 2016 at 1:30 pm
For those who’ve come across the seas, we’ve boundless plains to share – or so says our national anthem. But what really happens after migrants and refugees arrive in Australia?
Australia is one of the most multicultural nations on earth, but a major survey found, despite widely shared values, many people struggle to feel accepted within mainstream society.
The survey, called Australians Today from the Scanlon Foundation, is the largest survey ever undertaken of those born in Australia and immigrants.
The highest levels of discrimination were reported by those born overseas and of non-English-speaking background.
And while the majority of Australians support immigration, 40 per cent consider it too high.
This is despite psychologists and scientists finding integration actually strengthens national culture.
In the final episode of Australia’s True Colours, Not for Podcast investigates integration at home and overseas, to find out how we can thrive as a multicultural country.
Featured in this episode:
- Laurie Nowell, spokesperson for AMES Australia,
- Nick Cater, executive director of Menzies Research Centre
- Des Cahill, professor of intercultural studies in the school of global, urban and social studies at RMIT
- Keysar Trad, president of the Australian Federation Islamic Councils
- Kim Bullimore, Indigenous political activist and anti-racism campaigner.