How to Ensure Your Organisation Can Use the ACNC’s Registered Charity Tick

30 January 2017 at 3:27 pm
Use BNG Online’s Standards & Performance Pathways online self-assessment tool to ensure you are compliant with the ACNC’s governance standards before you use the recently launched Registered Charity Tick.
Launched by the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) last month, the new Registered Charity Tick enables organisations to display a logo that helps donors easily identify charities registered with, and regulated by, the ACNC.
So far, the tick has proved very popular, with close to 4,000 charities already signed up to use it, according to ACNC commissioner Susan Pascoe. Registered charities can download the tick logo from the ACNC’s Charity Portal and apply it to their electronic and print media.
BNG Online welcomes the ACNC’s Registered Charity Tick. It’s a great way for organisations to promote their status as an accountable, transparent, and quality-focused organisation that complies with the ACNC standards. For charities and not for profits that provide community or health services, it’s another “feather-in-the-cap” for assuring consumers of the quality of their services.
Complete your ACNC standards assessment online
Charities must meet the ACNC’s governance standards to be registered, and remain registered, with the ACNC. Charities do not need to submit anything to the ACNC to show they meet the standards, but must have evidence of meeting the standards that they can provide if requested.
An easy-to-use online tool is available that measures your organisation’s compliance with the ACNC standards, identifies gaps requiring action, and provides resources (such as policy templates) that can be downloaded and customised for your organisation.
Standards & Performance Pathways (SPP) presents the ACNC standards in a series of straight-forward self-assessments. You begin by answering a set of questions, each reflecting requirements under the ACNC standards.
If you answer a question in the negative, SPP automatically suggests the action you need to take and can offer a downloadable resource that gets you started (such as a policy template or guide). In the example below, you’ll see the resource is an orientation kit for the board or management committee.
The resources are designed so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel and they are prepared by people with extensive experience in the community services and health sectors.
You can also assign actions to others in your team and set due dates for the work.
You can download an action plan that sets out all the remaining work required to achieve compliance, when the work is due, and who has responsibility for the action. You can also upload documentation as evidence that you meet certain requirements.
Other community services and health standards
SPP includes over 40 national and state/territory community services and health standards, as well as a growing list of specialist and international standards. Assessments across the standards are cross-mapped, which means you only need to do an assessment once and your answers are automatically applied where it appears in other standards.
The following is just a selection of some of the standards available in SPP.
- National Standards for Disability Services
- National Standards for Volunteer Involvement
- Home Care Standards
- ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management Systems
- Australian Service Excellence Standards (ASES)
- Standards for Registered Training Organisations
Take a free trial
See the benefits for yourself by taking a free two-week trial here.
If you have any questions or need any guidance, email BNG Online:
SPP is Australia’s leading online solution for accreditation, standards compliance, and quality management, as well as for managing risk and performance.