Study Highlights Cost of Ignoring Older Workers

16 January 2017 at 8:53 am
Australian employers are failing to support and engage older workers which is costing them, according to a new study.
Researchers at the University of South Australia and the University of Melbourne surveyed 666 Australian workers between the ages of 45 and 75 over a three-year period about their work experiences.
They found that employers who addressed and invested in older workers reaped significant benefits including a committed, stable and engaged workforce, however many organisations were “far from up to the challenge” and could face problems as the workforce ages and people retire later in life.
Lead researcher, Professor Carol Kulik, a research professor in human resource management at the University of South Australia’s centre for workplace excellence, said age stereotypes were “notoriously persistent” in organisations.
“Mature-age employees [are] commonly perceived to be less productive than their younger counterparts, lacking initiative, disinterested in learning or developing, and resistant to change,” Kulik said.
“Mature-age employees are aware of these age stereotypes and worry that they may inadvertently confirm them. The resulting stereotype threat demotivates mature-age workers and lowers their engagement.
“Our research shows that employers who address older workers’ concerns while also investing in training actually reap significant benefits including a committed, stable and engaged workforce.
“Unfortunately, organisations have been slow to adopt mature-age practices, even though our research shows them to be highly effective in reducing stereotype threat and increasing job engagement among older workers.”
Mature-age workers currently account for 40 per cent of the total Australian workforce and according to latest Australian Bureau of Statistics figures more than four million Australian workers are aged 45 years or older.
Moreover from 1 July, the pension age is set to rise by six months every two years, climbing to 67 by 2023. The government proposes to continue this rate of increase until the qualifying age reaches age 70 on 1 July 2035.
With an increasingly ageing workforce, this latest study Engage Me: The Mature-Age Worker and Stereotype Threat, found it was essential for Australian employers to keep older workers engaged and harness the power of their older workers in order to boost the economy.
Researchers found mature-age workers reported lower stereotype threat and higher engagement when employers had high-performance practices that focused on employee training, rewards, and participation, or had adopted mature-age practices that focused on age-specific training, job design and career-management opportunities.
The high-performance and mature-age practices had independent effects, so workers were most engaged when their organisations invested in both types of practices.
The practices were especially important when mature-age workers reported to young managers, were surrounded by young co-workers or worked in manual occupations where age-related physical declines could be visible.
“Employers and managers need to be aware of the unintended signals that environmental cues send to mature-age workers,” Kulik said.
“Policies crafted to recognise and encourage mature-age workers send consistent, durable signals that lessen those workers’ concerns about negative managerial attitudes and increase their focus on their work.
“Organisations can try to eliminate age stereotypes, but managerial attitudes are stubbornly resistant to change so focusing on management practices may have more immediate – and more enduring – effects on mature-age worker engagement.
“Organisations will enjoy the highest levels of engagement from their mature-age workers when they add age-specific practices to their management practices including training designed to upgrade mature-age worker skills, opportunities to redesign jobs to accommodate mature-age worker needs, and phased retirement programs that allow mature-age workers to ease into retirement.”
The video below outlines the findings:
There is a big misconception in the video that should be corrected the idea “that in most developed countries, people of “working age” contribute funds that support the people that have retired”… they really should have spoken with Professor Lawn, who is at the University of South Australia… he shows that sovereign governments are not constrained in their spending other than by the total productive capacity of the nation and the sustainability of the resource base of that productivity. He shows that ageing will not present unsurmountable problems, that superannuation compared with pensions may actually increase taxes and that the pursuit of GDP growth may be misleading.
Taxation DOES NOT fund Federal Government spending, it’s purpose is to control inflation and maintain market stability… tax takes money out of the economy that the Government puts into it via spending and purchases… tax destroys money.
Dr Bill Mitchell – Professor of Economics Taxpayers do not fund anything
Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve: the government ISN’T SPENDING TAX MONEY
Professor L. Randall Wray
Ellis Willingham
Federal taxation does NOT pay for federal spending.
Steven Hail lecture of Economics