Power Company Supports Renewable Energy in Community Organisations

20 June 2017 at 3:09 pm
An Australian power company is supporting not for profits and community organisations to build small-scale renewable energy solutions.
Powershop’s Your Community Energy initiative pools together small premium amounts of customers who purchase the package and distributes them to community energy projects in Australia.
Powershop spokesperson Abbie Allen said Powershop customers had collectively contributed more than $210,000 to support local green energy projects.
“We want to help community organisations save on their running expenses and enable them to focus on what they do best, but also demonstrate the benefits of small-scale renewable energy solutions that can be replicated in the community,” Allen said.
Funds from the Your Community Initiative have supported CERES Environment Farm to install a 15kW solar panel on their visitors centre and supported the Daylesford Lake Micro Hydro project.
The Your Community Initiative has also financed solar panel installations on neighbourhood houses, childcare centres and residential aged care facilities across Australia.
“Powershop wants to give this money to community organisations and we are looking for more projects to support,” Allen said.
Allen said Powershop was committed to renewable energy.
“The way energy is generated, how it travels to our homes and how we pay for it, is going to change dramatically in our lifetime. We believe we can play a role in helping local community groups around Australia embark on their own renewable energy installations,” she said.
Powershop was ranked Australia’s greenest power company by Greenpeace.