Donors Looking for a Personalised Experience to Give More – Study

8 November 2017 at 1:43 pm
New international research reveals that more than half of the donors across six nations are looking for a more personalised experience from the charities that they support and would give more for that experience.
Research group Accenture found that 60 per cent of not-for-profit donors would give or volunteer more in exchange for a more personalised experience… but current personalisation was seen as “lacking”.
The findings were from a multi-country survey of citizens from the US, Germany, Singapore, France, Australia and the UK.
Globally, less than half of donors were satisfied with the personalisation they received from not-for-profit organisations. The highest level of satisfaction was in the US where only about half were satisfied, and the lowest were in Australia (45 per cent) and Germany (45 per cent) and the UK (40 per cent).
Some 82 per cent of Australians said it was important to know the outcomes of their charitable donations or volunteer work, and a further 56 per cent said being informed about the real outcomes would create a more personalised experience with the organisations they contributed to.
This was compared to 66 per cent of donors in the US and 67 per cent of donors in Singapore.
Those donors less concerned about outcomes were those in France and the UK (both at 53 per cent).
The research found that providing a more personalised experience had a significant impact on how much donors give. Globally 59 per cent said that they would donate up to 10 per cent more in response to a more personalised experience.
Another 25 per cent said they would donate up to 25 per cent more and 8 per cent said they would donate up to 50 per cent more.
In Australia 44 per cent said they would be willing to donate more for a personalised experience.
As well overall 61 per cent of millennials (18 to 35 years olds) said they would donate more for that experience.
According to the research, most citizens want to be able to interact with not-for-profit organisations through digital channels.
Globally 60 per cent of respondents believed not for profits should increase their use of digital, while less than half thought NFP organisations used digital effectively today (including social media).
Nearly half of respondents would like the option of contributing to charities digitally.
Only 39 per cent of Australians believed charities were effectively using social media to motivate, promote or encourage donations.