Recruiting Online Volunteers to Champion Your Cause

16 August 2018 at 7:30 am
Vollie, General Assembly and have teamed up for a free workshop to help not for profits recruit an online army, writes Ellie Nikakis from Vollie.
In a landscape so oversaturated with not for profits all vying for limited resources, for many it can become easy to lose sight of why we’re all in the space to begin with – and that’s to work together to create some positive change.
Using the internet to harness the compassion of like-minded individuals isn’t necessarily the newest idea in 2018, but the concept becomes cloudy when it comes to executing some tangible steps to get there.
Vollie, General Assembly and have teamed up to bring you a workshop that addresses this difficulty, which so many not for profits and social enterprises have.
How to recruit an online army of 20,000 volunteers for your cause
With guest speakers including Sandy McDonald of Knit-a-Square (which did in fact recruit 20,000 volunteers to support children and vulnerable people in South Africa), Matthew Boyd of Vollie (which has generated an army of skilled online volunteers) and Prashan Paramanathan of (which has over 224,000 online donors), the speaking event held at General Assembly’s Melbourne CBD space will cover online volunteering from a range of perspectives, giving guests the full picture on how to successfully get online volunteers on board with your mission.
Vollie is an online marketplace of skills-based remote volunteering opportunities. Vollie projects are exclusively online, meaning that volunteers can donate their skills and experience from anywhere in the world, at any time. is a non-profit crowdfunding platform, supporting changemakers around the world raise money for important causes.
Hosts General Assembly run a range of events weekly centered on tech and business, running courses to up-skill professionals in in-demand areas such as UI and web development.
Beginning at 5.45pm and concluding with an Audience Q&A and networking, head on over after work to cure your Monday-itis and rub shoulders with some of Australia’s leading experts on the online volunteering space.
The free event will take place on the evening of Monday 27 August; just register your attendance here.