How is the community sector faring in 2019? Have your say

30 October 2019 at 3:07 pm
National survey aims to provide a snapshot of the sector
Community organisations are being called on to take part in a national survey about how the sector is faring in 2019, and what is needed to improve capacity and impact.
The annual Australian Community Sector Survey aims to provide a snapshot of the sector in terms of current funding, demand on services, emerging needs and pressures, and sector priorities.
The study has been commissioned by the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) on behalf of the COSS network, with support from Community Sector Banking.
John Mikelsons, ACOSS senior advisor of community services and health, said it was the only national survey of the community sector, by the community sector.
“This survey is an important opportunity for the sector to tell us about the issues that matter most to you,” Mikelsons said.
“The impending SACS ERO funding cliff. Continuity of funding. Levels of indexation. The demand for services. Funding relationships. We want to hear about all the issues that impact your capacity to achieve outcomes.”
The survey, run by The Social Policy Research Center at UNSW Sydney, is open until Friday.
A report will be published in early 2020.
See here for more information or to take part.