American donors turn to education funding

4 November 2019 at 3:13 pm
A grantmaking organisation has examined philanthropic sector data in the US
Education is the number one issue American donors care about when it comes to helping charities achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), new research shows.
The Charities Aid Foundation of America (CAF America) – which helps Americans give directly to charities overseas and get a tax deduction – analysed its grant disbursements from CAF America donors from January 2016 to April 2019.
Mapping the donations that went towards achieving the United Nations SDGs, it found goal four – achieving inclusive and equitable quality education for all – was the top issue receiving grant funding.
This issue made up 22.26 per cent of the total SDG-aligned grants, and was followed by good health and wellbeing (goal three) with 18.89 per cent of all grants.
The average education grant was US$13,367 (A$19,313), with southern and eastern Asia (29.6 per cent) and Europe (25.21 per cent) the top regions funded.
CAF America founder and CEO Ted Hart said philanthropy played a vital role in tackling the pressing problems that the SDGs target.
“The results of this first-ever look at CAF America’s giving data demonstrate the interconnectedness of the SDGs, and how progress on one goal translates into progress toward others,” Hart said.
“Through our work connecting donors to the international causes they champion, we’re inching the world toward the vision of a sustainable planet, peace and prosperity, and a future without poverty.”
Corporate and individual donors offered the primary support for the most funded SDGs, while 69 per cent of individual donors gave through Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) – a giving vehicle to manage donations on behalf of organisations, families or individuals.
Kinga Ile, CAF America vice president of thought leadership and communications, said there had been an increase in individual cross-border giving.
“[This was] through corporate employee matching gift programs, and partnerships with online fundraising campaigns and leading DAF-sponsoring organisations,” Ile said.
“A closer look at the most supported issue-areas per industry confirms that corporations are working towards aligning their business and CSR strategy to the SDGs.”
The full report can be seen here.