A guide to giving to support WA bushfire recovery

17 February 2021 at 6:45 pm
Pro Bono Australia’s directory of bushfire appeals has been updated to include funds supporting those affected by the recent fires outside of Perth
Following the devastating Wooroloo fire, Pro Bono Australia has updated its Guide to Giving of Bushfire Appeals to include organisations supporting communities in Western Australia.
Earlier this month, the fires on the outskirts of Perth burnt through about 11,000 hectares and destroyed 86 homes in the Perth Hills area.
As with the catastrophic bushfires last summer, this has prompted the community to show support for those affected.
A number of organisations and community foundations have set up appeals and recovery funds.
To help those wishing to donate, Pro Bono Australia has updated its Guide to Giving of Bushfire Appeals.
First launched in January 2020, the guide builds on Pro Bono Australia’s flagship product, the Guide to Giving, which has established itself as Australia’s most trusted directory that connects donors with causes.
You can search by location, category (fire and emergency, health and welfare, rebuilding, policy reform, animal welfare), tax deductible status, and registered charity status.
Pro Bono Australia founder and CEO Karen Mahlab AM said the list is still relevant now for those who have been affected by fires in the east and west of the country in the past 12 months.
“The Guide to Giving of Bushfire Appeals was set up to help connect donors with causes after the Black Summer fires last year. It is still important today,” Mahlab said.
“We hope donors use this directory to support those who are still rebuilding after last year, and help those who have more recently been affected by the devastating fires in WA.”
You can see the full Guide to Giving of Bushfire Appeals here. Pro Bono Australia acknowledges the contribution of the Australian Environmental Grantmakers Network to this list.
Please note inclusion in the list does not reflect an endorsement by Pro Bono Australia.
If you know of a bushfire appeal that we have missed, please let us know at news@probonoaustralia.com.au