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A Volunteer 'Double' Celebration

Staff Reporter, Monday, 14th May 2001 -  For Australian Volunteers International – Australia’s largest international voluntary technical assistance agency – 2001 is cause for double celebration. As well as being…

Salary Packaging for Not for Profits

Staff Reporter, Monday, 14th May 2001 -  Under new tax rules the idea of “salary packaging” for employees in the Not for Profit sector may sound all too hard. However our expert in this area offers some guidelines and advice.…

Culture of Giving - New Survey

Staff Reporter, Monday, 14th May 2001 -  There’s good news for Not for Profits in the latest “Givewell” survey, which confirms a resurgence in the Australian culture of giving – in fact it’s up 17%! The survey just released…

International Criminal Court

Staff Reporter, Monday, 14th May 2001 -  The Federal Attorney General, Darryl Williams has defended Australia’s support for an international criminal court. The Attorney General told a meeting organised by the Western…

100 Hours Legal Pro Bono in 2001

Staff Reporter, Monday, 14th May 2001 -  As part of the Centenary of Federation activities the State Committee in Victoria has come up with a challenge for institutions, companies and individuals and a bonus for Not for Profits…

Corporate Citizenship Free Lectures

Staff Reporter, Monday, 14th May 2001 -  The Director of the Corporate Citizenship Research Unit at Deakin University, Professor David Birch is presenting a series of free lectures in Sydney and Melbourne on corporate…

For-Profit Hospitals Argue for Change

Staff Reporter, Monday, 14th May 2001 -  The Federal Government’s Charities Inquiry has attracted some strong submissions, not the least from a consortium of “For Profit” private hospitals in Australia challenging the…

Foodbanking - 'Charity' by Definition?

Staff Reporter, Monday, 30th April 2001 -  Foodbanks around Australia may not technically fit into the definition of a ‘charity’ leaving their services in limbo, operating between the commercial sector and those considered…

Financial Institutions Rush to SRI

Staff Reporter, Monday, 30th April 2001 -  Financial Institutions are rushing to promote products deemed to be socially responsible investments –SRI. Whether it’s to placate the critics of their high profit operations…

CIVICUS on the International Stage

Staff Reporter, Monday, 30th April 2001 -  The Australian organiser of the CIVICUS 2001 World Assembly in Vancouver in August, Gail Goodall wants as many Australian Not for Profits and businesses as possible to be represented…

It's a 'No Go' for the ERICA Awards

Staff Reporter, Monday, 30th April 2001 -  The International arm of the data technology/communications group Ericsson has cancelled its planned Ericsson Internet Community Awards – ERICA -for 2001 aimed specifically…

Philanthropist Still a Mystery 50 Years On!

Staff Reporter, Monday, 30th April 2001 -  This month marks the 50th Anniversary of the death Australian philanthropist Helen M Schutt whose amazing life still largely remains a mystery even to those who now run her Trust.…
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