Staff Reporter, Monday, 2nd April 2001 -
The International Year of Volunteers Small Grants Program has moved into stage two with hundreds of organisations about to be notified of their success in obtaining funding for their…
Staff Reporter, Monday, 2nd April 2001 -
Hot on the heels of our web page design offer from Kylie Lovelock (see March 19 Vol 3 Edition 5) we are reminded that VICNET is offering free web hosting for Not for Profit organisations.…
Staff Reporter, Monday, 2nd April 2001 -
There are new kinds of people participating in philanthropy and Australian Not for Profits need to deal with them in new ways. That’s the advice from American fund-raising professional…
Staff Reporter, Monday, 2nd April 2001 -
Whilst many of you have been receiving the Pro Bono Australia newsletter for a while now and are abreast of the macro issues affecting the sector, we thought it time for a behind the scenes…
Staff Reporter, Monday, 2nd April 2001 -
The commencement date for the new Privacy (Private Sector) Amendment Act is just nine months away. If you haven’t begun preparing for it yet help is on the way.
The Office of the Federal…
Staff Reporter, Monday, 19th March 2001 -
Australia is the highest share owning population in the world with 53.7% of Australians holding shares directly or indirectly through superannuation or managed funds. And never…
Staff Reporter, Monday, 19th March 2001 -
The charity landscape has changed dramatically over the last decade –the volunteer network has diminished and traditional canvassing campaigns have become difficult to organise.…
Staff Reporter, Monday, 19th March 2001 -
An American charity support services company called eCharity has launched a new fundraising tool that ignores the new technologies of the Internet and goes back to the old fashioned…
Staff Reporter, Monday, 19th March 2001 -
By now you may have seen Pro Bono 2001-The Australian Directory of Not for Profit Organisations which is distributed to over 43,000 solicitors, financial advisers, accountants…
Staff Reporter, Monday, 19th March 2001 -
The Inquiry into the Definition of Charities has been granted a three-month extension of time to consider some 350 submissions. The Treasurer has given the inquiry until 30 June 2001…
Staff Reporter, Monday, 19th March 2001 -
Now in their fifth year the Australian Financial Review magazine’s National Sponsorship Awards are on again. Their aim is to highlight the partnerships that are increasingly important…
Staff Reporter, Monday, 19th March 2001 -
E-mails are now part of daily life, but the Deafness Forum’s clever use of the e-mail technology won it high praise in the recent 2001 Ericsson Innovation Awards.
The Deafness Forum…