Staff Reporter, Monday, 28th August 2000 -
To stay in touch with current jobs in the Not for Profit sector, go to Our ‘What’s on’ will also keep you informed of events.
Staff Reporter, Monday, 28th August 2000 -
The NSW State Chamber of Commerce has launched a new project aimed at bringing business and the community closer together.
It’s called ‘The Common Good – a Blueprint for Responsible…
Staff Reporter, Monday, 28th August 2000 -
The Australian Tax office has announced phase two of its ‘help’ packages for the community, volunteer and cultural sector under the new tax system.
The chairman of the New tax System…
Staff Reporter, Monday, 28th August 2000 -
Do you currently hold employment vacancies within the Not for Profit sector, struggling to reach your target audience?
Why not post them…
Staff Reporter, Monday, 28th August 2000 -
A reminder that entries to the 2000 FIA Awards for Excellence in Fundraising close on October 31.
The annual awards are given in recognition of, and to encourage excellence in the various…
Staff Reporter, Monday, 28th August 2000 -
Communications and Marketing expert Jane Fenton believes Australian lawyers may be missing out on all the opportunities that come with having a well-defined and well-organised…
Staff Reporter, Monday, 28th August 2000 -
The biennial Festival of Contemporary Arts is still looking for organisations and artists to contribute to the 5th Festival in Canberra in 2001.
The Gorman House Arts Centre that…
Staff Reporter, Monday, 28th August 2000 -
This month the Australian Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem awarded their second Ron Castan Memorial Indigenous People’s Scholarship to assist Aboriginal communities.…
Staff Reporter, Monday, 28th August 2000 -
And still on the issue of tax….if any of your clients need help doing their tax return this year, the Tax Office-trained community volunteers are now available across the country.…
Staff Reporter, Monday, 28th August 2000 -
Here’s another example of a famous author who was so taken by his work that he formed a Foundation to try to help others – and found the going rough!
While writing his international…
Staff Reporter, Monday, 14th August 2000 -
A study into Corporate Community Involvement concludes that big business is becoming more ‘strategic’ in its use of community involvement to increase business benefits.
That means…
Staff Reporter, Monday, 14th August 2000 -
If you have ever despaired over trying to contact your local Member of Parliament or a Minister or any politician, then you will appreciate the efforts of one enterprising Canadian…