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Doug Taylor is CEO of The Smith Family. He was previously deputy executive director at Uniting NSW and ACT.


Saying goodbye to a platform of our own


Doug Taylor, Monday, 3rd April 2023 -  The Smith Family's CEO Doug Taylor reflects on the impact of losing a news platform entirely dedicated to supporting the for-purpose sector.

We need a new way of thinking about volunteering in the 21st century


Doug Taylor, Wednesday, 22nd March 2023 -  Guided by the new national strategy, we must work collectively to reposition and revitalise volunteering for future generations, says The Smith Family CEO Doug Taylor.

Trust is the most important way for NFPs to create sustained and enduring impact


Doug Taylor, Monday, 8th August 2022 -  Trust between a not for profit and the community in which it operates must be at the heart of any strategy, writes Doug Taylor, but how do you achieve it? 

Our commitment to using evidence to affect outcomes must be unflinching


Doug Taylor, Monday, 9th May 2022 -  Building capability to measure outcomes can only help in creating change, writes The Smith Family's Doug Taylor, in his final piece in a series marking the organisation’s centenary

NFPs must undergo their own change to meet society’s challenges


Doug Taylor, Monday, 2nd May 2022 -  As society’s needs evolve so must the vision of not for profits, argues The Smith Family's Doug Taylor.

Is mobilising and listening to community a diminishing superpower


Doug Taylor, Friday, 22nd April 2022 -  Meeting the challenges of community engagement in a changing world is difficult, but vitally important, writes Doug Taylor, in the second in a four-part series written to coincide with The Smith Family’s centenary.

Rediscovering not for profit ‘superpowers’ for the challenges ahead


Doug Taylor, Monday, 18th April 2022 -  How can we think about the future unless we know why we exist, who we are and what’s come before, asks Doug Taylor, in the first in a four-part series on how NFPs can look to the past to guide the future, written to coincide with The Smith Family’s centenary.

My first 500 Zoom calls


Doug Taylor, Wednesday, 1st December 2021 -  The new CEO of The Smith Family, Doug Taylor, reflects on his first three months in the job and how COVID has changed his approach to leadership.

Now is the time to tackle child poverty as a national priority


Doug Taylor, Wednesday, 20th October 2021 -  We need a comprehensive national framework for reducing child poverty, writes Doug Taylor, who reflects on the impact poverty has on children’s educational outcomes.

Creating a leadership legacy


Doug Taylor, Thursday, 29th July 2021 -  As Doug Taylor finishes up at the helm of Uniting NSW and ACT and takes on a new job as the CEO of The Smith Family, he reflects on the best ways for leaders to invest their time to have a lasting impact.

It’s time to re-think the marketisation of human services


Tom McClean, Tuesday, 16th March 2021 -  For the last 30 years there has been a bi-partisan belief in the virtue of markets as a force for good for people. But there is now strong evidence to suggest such a wholesale approach is flawed, write Doug Taylor and Dr Tom McClean.

Social impact bonds: What’s the secret sauce to making them work and are they worth the effort?


Doug Taylor, Thursday, 11th February 2021 -  Uniting NSW and ACT launched its second bond this week. Deputy CEO Doug Taylor shares the inside story from the perspective of a practitioner organisation.
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