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Luke Michael is a journalist at Pro Bono News covering the social sector.


Oh, the Places You’ll Go!


Luke Michael, Monday, 14th May 2018 -  Elise Margow is the co-founder of Australian Books for Children of Africa (ABCA), a charity which has just shipped off its 250,000th book to an African school. She is this week’s Changemaker.

Demand for Food and Housing Hits ‘Crisis Point’


Luke Michael, Friday, 11th May 2018 -  Demand for food and housing has hit “crisis point” in Australia, with a mobile website connecting people in need with basic services reaching one million searches in little more than two years.

Greens “Stunt” to Raise Welfare Payments Rejected


Luke Michael, Thursday, 10th May 2018 -  A Greens push to increase Newstart and Youth Allowance by $75 a week has been voted down in the Senate, after Labor and the Coalition voted against the motion described by critics as a “stunt”.

LGBTQI Disability Sexuality Project Wins $10,000 Grant


Luke Michael, Wednesday, 9th May 2018 -  A research project aiming to give LGBTQI people with disability a voice in regards to their sexuality has won a $10,000 grant.

Housing and Homelessness ‘Forgotten and Abandoned’ in Budget


Luke Michael, Wednesday, 9th May 2018 -  Housing and homelessness issues were “forgotten and abandoned” in this year’s federal budget, according to advocates in the social sector.  

Mental Health a Budget Winner


Luke Michael, Wednesday, 9th May 2018 -  The federal government has made significant investments in mental health in this year’s budget, focused on suicide prevention, protecting older Australians and providing continuity of support for those ineligible for the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

Disability Sector Welcomes NDIS Funding Commitment


Luke Michael, Tuesday, 8th May 2018 -  The disability sector has welcomed the federal government’s commitment to fully fund the National Disability Insurance Scheme, and called for attention to now be turned to fixing the scheme’s implementation issues.

Senate Committee Endorses Plans to Drug Test Welfare Recipients


Luke Michael, Tuesday, 8th May 2018 -  A Senate inquiry has endorsed the Turnbull government’s plans to drug test welfare recipients, in the face of sustained criticism from health experts and the community sector.    

Government Announces Mental Health Funding Boost


Luke Michael, Monday, 7th May 2018 -  The Turnbull government has announced a significant funding boost for mental health services in Australia, pledging $34 million to Lifeline and $4 million for tailored mental health support for Australians from multicultural backgrounds.

A Vision for Improved Housing Affordability in Australia


Luke Michael, Monday, 7th May 2018 -  Adrian Pisarski is the executive officer of National Shelter and has almost 40 years’ experience in the not-for-profit sector. He is this week’s Changemaker.
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