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Mike Davis is a for-purpose executive leader, chief podcaster at Humans of Purpose and a board director at not for profits SIMNA Ltd and L2R Dance.


What makes a podcast great? Part two


Mike Davis, Wednesday, 13th April 2022 -  Mike Davis from Humans of Purpose writes that a success mindset, planning and listening to feedback is vital for a successful podcast.

What makes a podcast great? Part one


Mike Davis, Wednesday, 9th March 2022 -  Humans of Purpose host Mike Davis shares the two most important things he’s learned about making a great podcast.

Five inspiring thoughts to kickstart 2022


Mike Davis, Wednesday, 9th February 2022 -  Mike Davis, chief podcaster at Humans of Purpose, reflects on some of his favourite interviews and shares five inspiring takeaways he learnt along the way.

Getting new ideas up – The three pillars


Mike Davis, Tuesday, 14th December 2021 -  Mike Davis shares three pillars that can make the difference in getting your ideas or agendas progressed.

Do organisational values matter?


Mike Davis, Wednesday, 10th November 2021 -  Mike Davis breaks down some common values and shares three key things to consider to prevent organisational values leading to counterproductive behaviours.

Podcasting trends in the Australian for-purpose sector


Mike Davis, Wednesday, 13th October 2021 -  Mike Davis explains why podcasting could be your organisation’s next digital strategy initiative and shares some of the key trends to consider if you are thinking of launching a for-purpose podcast.

The journey to measuring social impact


Mike Davis, Monday, 13th September 2021 -  Mike Davis shares some of the key questions that will help guide you toward successful impact measurement. 

Strategy for uncertain times


Mike Davis, Thursday, 12th August 2021 -  Is it worth putting time into planning for the future if you can’t foresee what the future holds even a week from now? Mike Davis thinks so. Here, he shares three things every leader should prioritise to build resilience and sustainability into their organisation.

Storytelling for impact


Mike Davis, Wednesday, 14th July 2021 -  The time has come to embrace the range of media options available to ensure your strategic plan or impact measurement resonates with your audience, writes Mike Davis, who shares some examples of organisations doing this well.

Opening up about mental health at work


Mike Davis, Monday, 26th October 2020 -  Mental health first aid training is a great way to ensure that your workforce can support each other during difficult periods, writes Mike Davis. 

Working toward better mental health at work


Mike Davis, Monday, 28th September 2020 -  Mike Davis shares some of the things that organisations can do to give staff a much needed mental health boost.

COVID-19: Impact on vulnerable Victorians


Mike Davis, Monday, 24th August 2020 -  Mike Davis shares findings from TaskForce’s demographic survey which shows how COVID-19 has prompted growing demand for drug and alcohol counselling services and led to a rise in the number of people facing unemployment, economic disadvantage and poorer mental health. 
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