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Mike Davis is a for-purpose executive leader, chief podcaster at Humans of Purpose and a board director at not for profits SIMNA Ltd and L2R Dance.


What is new leadership?


Mike Davis, Tuesday, 28th May 2019 -  With a dearth of leadership in the political sphere and trust in our major societal institutions waning, it is a good time to ask what does the new leadership we want look like today, and how might this be effectuated in the for-purpose sector, writes Mike Davis.

Communicating social progress – How to use ‘theory of change’ effectively


Mike Davis, Tuesday, 23rd April 2019 -  Theories of change have the potential to bridge the divide between numbers and visual thinkers, writes Mike Davis, in this article which shares his learnings from running a recent theory of change workshop.

NFP innovation: What is it and how can we do it well?


Mike Davis, Tuesday, 26th March 2019 -  Mike Davis uses the Sinek golden circle model to add some clarity around what we mean when we talk about innovation culture.

From Research to Implementation: The TaskForce Youth Hub Experience


Mike Davis, Tuesday, 26th February 2019 -  Mike Davis combines his experience at the TaskForce Community Agency with some sporting wisdom to shine a light on how to effectively implement an ambitious vision.

Inclusive Leadership Means Building Diverse Teams

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Mike Davis, Wednesday, 12th April 2017 -  Fostering creative strategic thinking by building diverse teams can give not for profits a sustained competitive advantage, writes Mike Davis the founder of Purposeful.

Three Elements of Great Not-for-Profit Leadership


Mike Davis, Tuesday, 14th March 2017 -  After speaking to purpose-driven leaders, Mike Davis, founder of Purposeful, has distilled his learnings into three elements of great not-for-profit leadership.

Building a Culture of Social Innovation

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Mike Davis, Wednesday, 18th January 2017 -  Mike Davis, founder of Purposeful, explains how a positive workplace culture fosters social innovation in an organisation.
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