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Robyn Gulliver is a postdoctoral research fellow at The University of Queensland. She researches the antecedents and consequences of environmental and pro-democracy collective action. She has developed Australia’s largest database of environmental groups, activities and campaigns alongside the ‘Campaign Explorer’ citizen science project.


‘Draconian and undemocratic’: why criminalising climate protesters in Australia doesn’t actually work


Robyn Gulliver, Monday, 4th July 2022 -  Politicians may be better served addressing the message, rather than attacking the messengers, writes Robyn Gulliver.

Australia’s COVID response could be undermining democracy. Why is civil society staying silent?

Happenings on the hill

Robyn Gulliver, Monday, 13th September 2021 -  The social sector needs to find the will to drive politicians to deliver funding and policy decisions that will lead us to build back better, write Neil Pharaoh and Angus Crowther.

Research reveals shocking detail on how Australia’s environmental scientists are being silenced


Robyn Gulliver, Wednesday, 9th September 2020 -  As Don Driscoll and his colleagues write, scientists in government, industry and universities are being gagged from communicating the evidence on critical environmental issues. Often, this means the facts don’t reach the public or government ministers. 

Smear campaign against green activists, anti-protest laws and media restrictions in Australia


Robyn Gulliver, Thursday, 6th February 2020 -  In an illuminating new article, CIVICUS Monitor highlights why Australia's civic space rating was recently downgraded to “narrowed”.

Civil society takes up fight to make democracy equal again

Robyn Gulliver, Wednesday, 25th September 2019 -  The multi-million dollar individual candidate spends seen in the 2019 federal election should be stopped warns a coalition of civil society groups, who are calling for an immediate cap on election spending.    

The Economic Horror


Robyn Gulliver, Wednesday, 23rd January 2019 -  If any government is serious about fighting inequality instead of boosting and buttressing it, it must start by listening to the people who bear the brunt of inequality, writes Dr John Falzon in this reflection on the rise of neoliberalism.
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