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Changes to the Fair Work Act: What Do They Mean for the Community Sector?

Tracey Montgomery, Friday, 6th October 2023 -  At the start of this financial year, several changes were made to the Fair Work Act, which is a key document defining the rights and responsibilities of employers and employees.

How to live a meaningful life

Karen Mahlab AM, Thursday, 28th September 2023 -  Daniel Schmachtenberger is one of the great minds thinking about the big problems on this planet right now, with a particular focus on existential threats to humanity. Read on for what we can learn from Daniel on how to live a meaningful life.

Returning to work after maternity leave? Read this first

Tracey Montgomery, Friday, 25th August 2023 -  A little advice for those mothers returning from maternity leave, from managing coworkers to your own, complex emotions.

Why should you buy the 2023 Pro Bono Australia Salary Survey

Danielle Kutchel, Tuesday, 1st August 2023 -  The job market has changed significantly in recent times. After the turbulence of the pandemic emergency years, the world has emerged into a cost of living and inflation crisis. Wage discussions have entered the mainstream.

How to attract the best talent

Danielle Kutchel, Saturday, 8th July 2023 -  In today’s tight employment market, it’s crucial for hiring managers to understand how they can find the best people to take their organisation and its purpose forward. Committed, engaged staff are key to the success of any business. Every organ

Importance of work flexibility

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 5th July 2023 -  For-purpose workplaces are turning to flexible working to attract new hires.


Sheree Lowe, VACCHO

Want to work in Aboriginal spaces? The more the merrier!

Isabelle Oderberg, Thursday, 7th July 2022 -  Djap Wurrung and Gunditjmara woman Sheree Lowe has spent her life working in community, across the community-controlled, government and private sectors. She is this week’s Changemaker.
an empty office

A lack of job applicants has left the social sector struggling to fill roles

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 4th November 2021 -  Ahead of the “Great Resignation”, recruiters and HR managers talk to Pro Bono Australia about the state of the recruiter market.

These are the in-demand roles for 2021

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 19th August 2021 -  We take a look at the top roles for 2021 and what impact the pandemic has had on this 
Two young women smiling

The future is female… and remote: How virtual workplaces are rewriting the narrative

Lex La Sala, Tuesday, 27th July 2021 -  COVID-19 gave Lex La Sala the confidence to move into a remote role despite the stigma around working-from-home. Now, she says, we’re in an environment where virtual workplaces are not only the norm but provide grounds for women to thrive.
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