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Apprenticeships for Not for Profits – UK Plan

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 22nd September 2010 -  A UK training-based charity, Skills-Third Sector, is developing apprenticeships to encourage young people into the Not for Profit sector.

US Technology Conference Scholarship for Australian NFPs

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 15th September 2010 -  Australian Not for Profit, Connecting Up Australia has announced a mutual scholarship program for Australian NFPs to attend the Nonprofit Technology Conference in the US in March 2011.

Tracy Gary Tour Heralds New Era of Social Change Philanthropy

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 15th September 2010 -  Renowned US Philanthropic advisor, author and donor activist Tracy Gary is returning to Australia for a tour aimed at equipping Australians with the “how-to” of strategic social change philanthropy.

HR Challenges for the Not for Profit Sector

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 14th September 2010 -  New research reveals key employee attraction and retention issues faced by the Not for Profit sector.

Stanford Scholarship for Not for Profit Leaders

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 7th September 2010 -  The Stanford Australia Foundation, with the support of the Dyson Bequest, is calling for applications for the 2011 Stanford Australia Foundation Nonprofit Scholarship.

Web Users Turning to Social Media During Disasters: Survey

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 24th August 2010 -  A new study carried out by the American Red Cross has found that many web users would seek help through social media in an emergency – and they expect emergency service responders to be listening.

Australian Scholarship Foundation Boosts Opportunities

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 19th August 2010 -  Not for Profit scholarship provider, the Australian Scholarship Foundation is planning to triple the number of scholarships on offer by 2012.

The Internet: It’s Women’s Work – Global Study

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 29th July 2010 -  Social Networking sites reach a higher percentage of women than men worldwide according to a global survey of women's online internet usage.
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