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Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 21st July 2010 -  The newly appointed CEO of the peak welfare council, ACOSS, Cassandra Goldie will move into the top job just four weeks before the Federal Election.

Philanthropy Boss Resigns

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 21st July 2010 -  Philanthropy Australia boss, Gina Anderson has resigned as CEO saying she has no firm plans for a future job.

SVA Boss Takes on Youth Issues

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 15th July 2010 -  Social Ventures Australia boss, Jan Owen resigns to take up new position with the Foundation for Young Australians

US Recession Taking A Toll On NFP Workers

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 15th July 2010 -  Nearly 40 percent of US Not for Profit organisations currently lack adequate staff to deliver their programs and services, according to results of a survey released by the Johns Hopkins University Center for Civil Society Studies.

Community Program Can Prevent Weight Gain in Women – Australian Study

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 14th July 2010 -  An Australian study by the Jean Hailes Foundation shows a simple community program can prevent weight gain in women.

Six Steps to Market Yourself in the Not for Profit Sector

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 14th July 2010 -  Despite signs that the economy is improving, the Not for Profit job market remains extremely competitive and US employment organisation BridgeStar has produced a 6 step guide to marketing yourself in the Not for Profit Sector.

Community Sector Workers Rally

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 10th June 2010 -  Thousands of Community Sector workers and their supporters rally across Australia in support of a claim for equal pay.

Equal Pay Campaign for Community Workers

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 9th June 2010 -  ACOSS kicks off a national campaign to support equal pay for community workers.

Major Donors Tell Why They Give

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 18th May 2010 -  Australia's major donors often feel underutilised by charities who only want their money, according to a new report.

Philanthropy in Developing World ‘Resilient’

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 13th May 2010 -  Global Philanthropy and remittances to developing countries are showing resilience while private capital drops.
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