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People and culture

a calendar with pay-day written on it

Three reasons why NFP salary packaging could work for you

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 17th June 2021 -  We take a look at why a good salary package is about more than just money 

Three reasons why it’s important to benchmark what you pay your staff

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 3rd June 2021 -  With the launch of the 2022 Pro Bono Salary Survey Report, we revisit some of the reasons salary benchmarking can be critical to the success of your organisation.
two women sitting at an outside table in a restaurant ordering from a waitress

The social implications of salary packaging cards

Contributor, Wednesday, 2nd June 2021 -  Not for profits with a charitable intention have tight operational budgets. However, thanks to salary packaging concessions, they can offer competitive remuneration to the private sector. 
Close-up image of man hand putting coins in pink piggy bank

NFP salaries remain steady amid COVID chaos

Luke Michael, Monday, 31st May 2021 -  New data from the largest social sector salary survey in Australia has just been released.
people sitting at board

Got a tricky board on your hands? Here’s how you can deal with it

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 27th May 2021 -  We speak to Denis Moriarty AM, the managing director of Our Community, for some advice 


line of people facing away from the camera with their arms around each other

Putting people first post COVID-19

Kate Larsen, Tuesday, 4th May 2021 -  The panic and pivots of COVID-19 have depleted our sector and left us all exhausted. As we start to return to our offices, Kate Larsen explains why it’s important not to go back to the way things were before.  
people sitting in circle

Three ways to build trust as a new CEO

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 22nd April 2021 -  Gaining the trust of your new employees can be hard. We share some tips to make it a little easier. 

How to manage (and not be afraid of) workplace conflict

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 18th March 2021 -  We share some tips that will help you make it through even the stickiest situations
man on phone

These are the questions you should be asking a candidate’s referees

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 4th March 2021 -  We get some advice on how you can get the best picture of your candidate possible 
woman smiling looking at a piece of paper

Let’s make 1 April 2021 the start of a happy new year

Contributor, Thursday, 11th February 2021 -  Transitioning to a new salary packaging provider can easily be achieved at the start of the FBT year. 2021 is no different. Now is the time to act.
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