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Aussie Human Rights Award for Julian Assange

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 3rd February 2011 -  The Sydney Peace Foundation has awarded its gold medal for ‘peace with justice’ to controversial WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange.

Responding to a National Crisis: Business Not the Only Voice in Town

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 27th January 2011 -  OPINION: The voices of the thousands of community services across the country have been shut out of the Prime Minister's Flood Taskforce which is made up of 13 business and industry leaders, according to Dr Cassandra Goldie, the Chief Executive Offic

Australian NFPs Plan Technology Upgrade

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 27th January 2011 -  Australian Not for Profits say they are planning to embrace new online technology in 2011, according to a new study.

‘Be Inspired’ by the FIA’s 34th International Fundraising Conference

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 25th January 2011 -  Sponsored Article | The FIA’s International Fundraising Conference will be held in Melbourne 24 – 27th February 2011.

Excluding Community Groups from Flood Relief Makes No Sense

Staff Reporter, Monday, 24th January 2011 -  Despite being crucial to the rebuilding effort, it's being claimed that Not for Profit organisations in Queensland and Victoria are being excluded from receiving assistance available to small businesses.

Major Overhaul Proposed for Aged Care

Staff Reporter, Friday, 21st January 2011 -  Australia’s aged care system needs a major overhaul to meet the challenge of an aging population, according to a draft report released by the Productivity Commission.

NFP Crisis Response in QLD ‘Unrivalled’

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 20th January 2011 -  Queensland is seeing a crisis response unrivalled in Australian history, with community service organisations leading the way, according to the state’s peak welfare organisation.

More People Using Disability Services

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 20th January 2011 -  A new report points to a large increase in number of Australians using disability support services.

Major Research into Causes of Homelessness

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 18th January 2011 -  The Federal Government has launched a $5 million research project to better understand why people become homeless in Australia.
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