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Aged Care Providers Need One Voice – Survey

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 28th July 2010 -  Almost 80% of aged care providers want one body to represent all aged care facilities in Australia on a national level, according to a new industry survey.

If you’re disabled, just wait outside for 10 years

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 28th July 2010 -  OPINION | The Federal Government’s reluctance to build accessible housing is a farce, writes chairman of the FSHD Global Research Foundation, Bill Moss.

NFPs Have Poor Risk Management – Survey

Staff Reporter, Monday, 26th July 2010 -  Almost half the Not for Profits surveyed recently in Australia and New Zealand do not have, or do not know if they have, a risk management plan.

Electing Social Policies – or Not.

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 22nd July 2010 -  OPINION | The analysis is in: Social policies will only get a run in the election campaign if they strike a chord with swinging voters in marginal electorates says co-publisher of Pro Bono Australia News, David James.

Salvos Top Best Brands List

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 21st July 2010 -  Salvos, Hell's Angels and Apple are Australia's top brands according to a new and provocative survey.

Government to Consult on Black Saturday Report

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 21st July 2010 -  The Victorian Government is to consult with community groups before responding to the final report into the 2009 Black Saturday Bushfires.

Australia Ranked Second in ‘Quality of Death’

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 21st July 2010 -  Australia has ranked second after the UK in a 'Quality of Death' Index commissioned by the Lien Foundation in Singapore.


The True Role of the Board – How Governance has been Hijacked

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 15th July 2010 -  OPINION | The true role of the board is often lost as governance is hijacked, writes Conscious Governance Managing Director, Steven Bowman.

World’s First International Fundraising Awards

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 15th July 2010 -  The world's first fundraising awards program has been launched in the UK with the FIA in Australia being one of the award hosts.
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