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Call for nominations to the 2010 Disability Enterprise Excellence Awards

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 30th June 2010 -  Nominations are sought for this year’s Australian Disability Enterprise (ADE) Excellence Awards.

Children In Care “Struggling” – New Report

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 30th June 2010 -  Australian children in care are struggling at school and in need of a coordinated response, according to a new report from Anglicare Victoria and Wesley Mission Victoria.

Inaugural Mark Lyons Oration

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 29th June 2010 -  International academic, Helmut Anheier has delivered the first oration in honour of Australian researcher Professor Mark Lyons who passed away in November 2009.

CEOs in Sleeping Bags – Comment

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 23rd June 2010 -  The prevention of homelessness should be seen as a matter of justice says Dr John Falzon the Chief Executive Officer of the St Vincent de Paul Society National Council who took part in the recent CEO Sleepout.

Mystery Shopping Exercise Tracks Haiti Donations

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 22nd June 2010 -  Global fundraising agencies Pareto Fundraising, in Australia and Pell & Bales, in the UK release the findings of a charity ‘mystery shopping’ exercise to track donations to organisations fundraising for the Haiti earthquake disaster.

Productivity Commissioner ‘Frustrated’ by Policy Inaction

Lina Caneva, Friday, 18th June 2010 -  Debate on the best regulatory model for the Australian Not for Profit sector sees Productivity Commissioner, Robert Fitzgerald express his 'frustration' at continuing policy inaction.
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