Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 24th March 2010 -
A British expert has urged the Australian Government to ensure the social business sector has a level playing field with other corporate structures.
Staff Reporter, Monday, 22nd March 2010 -
A landmark research study into the charitable giving behaviours and attitudes of Gen Y, Gen X, Boomer and Mature donors calls for a shift in marketing models.
Staff Reporter, Thursday, 18th March 2010 -
Not for Profits need to be engaged at a higher stage of the public policy value-chain argues Peter Shergold.
Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 17th March 2010 -
The Prime Minister is a surprise signatory to the National Compact with the Not for Profit sector in Canberra.
Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 17th March 2010 -
Muhummad Yunus, 2006 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and founder of the Grameen Bank, spoke to an audience of 1000 in Sydney recently on ‘Abolishing Poverty – The Human Rights Priority’.
Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 16th March 2010 -
PilchConnect have summarised and commented on some of the key findings and recommendations that the Productivity Commission made about legal and regulatory issues affecting Australia’s NFP sector