Listings, Tuesday, 9th March 2010 -
Les Hems, Director of Research at the Centre for Social Impact, looks at the Productivity Commission's report on the Not for Profit sector, and the challenges it poses for the Government.
Staff Reporter, Thursday, 4th March 2010 -
A US consultancy has found that only half of Not for Profits actually say “thank you” for online and direct mail donations.
Staff Reporter, Thursday, 4th March 2010 -
A joint study by Victorian aged care provider Benetas and Deakin University examines respect for older Australians.
Staff Reporter, Thursday, 4th March 2010 -
Wealthy Americans are concerned about their philanthropic giving as donations fall amid the economic downturn
Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 3rd March 2010 -
Its more than bums on seats – more Australians are actively participating in the arts, according to new research.
Staff Reporter, Thursday, 25th February 2010 -
Twenty years on, family income still determines educational success in Australia, according to the latest report from the Brotherhood of St Laurence.
Staff Reporter, Thursday, 25th February 2010 -
New research reveals a decline in newspaper influence on donors -with television coverage being the medium that inspires most people to give.
Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 24th February 2010 -
A new study highlights social contribution of Australian company directors via the Not for Profit sector