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Second National Pro Bono Legal Conference

2 September 2003 at 1:09 pm
Staff Reporter
The National Pro Bono Resource Centre in collaboration with the Public Law Clearing Houses in NSW, QLD and VIC are hosting the Second National Pro Bono Conference in Sydney in October.

Staff Reporter | 2 September 2003 at 1:09 pm


Second National Pro Bono Legal Conference
2 September 2003 at 1:09 pm

The National Pro Bono Resource Centre in collaboration with the Public Law Clearing Houses in NSW, QLD and VIC are hosting the Second National Pro Bono Conference in Sydney in October.

Pro bono legal work offers opportunities for the legal profession to contribute to building a just society. In partnership with publicly funded legal services, community organisations and public interest groups, lawyers acting pro bono can respond to many of the diverse needs of communities facing social disadvantage.

The first Australian National Pro Bono Conference, For the Public Good, held in August 2000, acknowledged and promoted the pro bono work undertaken by the legal profession in Australia. It also explored ways to better coordinate the delivery of pro bono services at national, state and regional levels.

The Second National Pro Bono Conference: Transforming Access to Justice, draws on the diversity of experience in Australia and overseas. It will provide the opportunity to critically evaluate whether traditional models of pro bono service delivery effectively address social justice objectives. The Conference will also provide practical guidance on developing pro bono schemes and practices.

Conference themes:
– Social responsibility and legal practice
– Pro bono models and community needs
– Global perspectives on access to justice
– Pro bono in practice
– Developing a pro bono culture

Workshop sessions will include:
– Matching clients and services
– Building pro bono partnerships
– Community legal needs
– Meeting the needs of rural, regional and remote communities
– Corporate pro bono
– Legal education and pro bono
– Pro bono: aspirations and definitions
– Opportunities for global partnerships in legal service provision
– Developing pro bono in transitional societies
– Ethics and standards
– Training, mentoring and support
– Barriers to pro bono
– Resourcing pro bono

Who will be attending?
– Lawyers in private practice
– Public interest advocates
– Community and government legal service providers
– Corporate lawyers
– Government lawyers
– Academics
– Law students
– Community organisations
– Policy makers
– Judges, magistrates and court staff

If you would like more details and a conference registration form send an email to

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