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QuickGuides - Advertorial

2 August 2004 at 1:08 pm
Staff Reporter
When you need to know and you need to know - fast, then the new QuickGuides for Not for Profits are the answer.

Staff Reporter | 2 August 2004 at 1:08 pm


QuickGuides - Advertorial
2 August 2004 at 1:08 pm

When you need to know and you need to know – fast, then the new QuickGuides for Not for Profits are the answer.

QuickGuides are reference books with just 24-pages each on all subjects relating to the third sector.

They’re written to give you the most amount of information in the least amount of time. Authors and reviewers come from around the world including Australia, NZ, the UK, South Africa, Belgium, and the USA with the majority from Australia.

Each Guide provides the important points you need to know about that subject from fundraising and event management to media strategies and working with volunteers.

The QuickGuides book on ‘Fundraising From Companies’ for example provides a comprehensive overview of various ways companies provide support to Not for Profit organisations. It looks at researching corporate interests, matching gifts, cause-related marketing and sponsorships and much more…in just 24 pages.

QuickGuides are written by knowledgable authors in one country and reviewed by authors in another so they aren’t country-specific and they are inexpensive enough to allow you to have a library of information at hand.

There are 23 titles available in 2004 and there will be another 50+ available in 2005 plus a series specifically for academic institutions.

QuickGuides are useful for those both experienced in and new to a subject.

Each of the QuickGuides is $17.50 (including GST). Buy 2 or more and get a 10% discount. Buy the entire 2004 series for $350 and save $50.

The titles for 2004 are:

1. Bequests and Legacies
2. Company Support for Organisations: A Guide for Business Managers
3. Events Planning
4. Fundraising Databases: Introduction to the Set Up and Use
5. Fundraising Databases: Adapting for Different Needs
6. Fundraising from Companies
7. Fundraising from Grantmakers: Trusts & Foundations
8. Fundraising from Individuals
9. Fundraising From Wealthy Individuals
10. Making the Ask
11. Marketing
12. Motivating Staff
13. Newsletters
14. Overseas Challenges: Raising Money Through Adventure and Personal Challenge
15. PR
16. Preparation for Fundraising
17. Relationship Fundraising
18. Sources of Funds
19. Special Events
20. Staff Recruitment
21. Understanding Fundraising: It’s about ‘gifts’ not ‘money’
22. Working with the Media: Media Strategies
23. Working with Volunteers

QuickGuides are the brainchild of Nancy Bikson, a US qualified lawyer and former Director of the UK charity service provider Chapel & York.

Bikson has set up Wiremill Publishing to produce the QuickGuides.

For a brochure or to place an order through Pro Bono Australia just send us an email with QuickGuides in the subject line to


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